August 31, 2005
Battle of New Orleans
In 1814, as the British planned their assault on New Orleans, they hoped to recruit the pirate Jean Lafitte and his band. Lafitte went along at first, but then passed the British plans onto the Americans, who were led by Gen. Andrew Jackson…Although the American troops and their allies were outnumbered two to one, their victory was overwhelming. Lafitte later returned to his life as a buccaneer and died in 1826.
Chicago Mayor Apologizes for Corruption...
[Wow! Corruption in Chicago? Imagine that!!]
31 Aug 2005- Mayor Richard Daley says he should have done more to prevent corruption in his administration...More than 20 people have pleaded guilty in the investigation of the scandal-plagued Hired Truck Program...In the hiring fraud scandal, city officials are alleged to have faked scores to help applicants get city jobs after they earned political clout by working in get-out-the-vote organizations... A court order bars City Hall from considering politics when filling most city jobs.
Spaniards Take Part in Annual Tomato Fight
Aug 31 2005 - It is said to be the world's largest tomato battle. Tens of thousands of people hurled truckloads of tomatoes at each other Wednesday, sending knee-deep rivers of tomato sauce down the streets of the small Spanish town of Bunol during its annual food fight _ The Tomatina…municipal trucks dumped about 130 tons of ripe, juicy plum tomatoes at the feet of adrenaline-charged crowds in town's main square…Local lore says it began in the mid-1940s with a food battle that broke out between youngsters near a vegetable stand on the town square in Bunol, 300 kilometers (190 miles) southeast of Madrid. [At least it's safer than the Running of the Bulls]
photos at
Spanish Lesson for the day: Tomatina= tomato fight
Mother Earth is ticked…
This is interesting. I heard Ann Coulter yesterday point out that Jerry Falwell was lambasted by the press and liberals of all stripes when he suggested that maybe 9/11 was God’s judgment or at least a lifting of His protection. Proof that different views are tolerated differently where is the outrage with: “…spiritual and political environmentalists say that massive hurricanes such as Katrina, along with the Asian tsunami, are messages from the earth, letting humanity know of the earth’s pain…..”
Employee Demoted After Displaying Pro-Marriage Views at Work
(AgapePress) A computer technician in California has filed a lawsuit against his employer after being reprimanded for expressing his support for traditional marriage at work. The employee at a private Orange County company works at an office where co-workers are allowed to have personal, religious and political messages in their cubicles. But when he placed a bumper sticker supporting traditional marriage in his own cubicle, his supervisor ordered him to remove it. The worker removed the sticker but was still demoted and reprimanded...
What cost 30 cents in 1950 costs $2.33 in 2005
Dr. Walter E. William, the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University:
… when we ask whether a price is high or low, we have to ask relative to what…In 1950, a gallon of regular gasoline sold for about 30 cents; today, it's $2.50. Are today's gasoline prices high compared to 1950? Before answering that question, we have to take into account inflation that has occurred since 1950. Using my trusty inflation calculator ( ), what cost 30 cents in 1950 costs $2.33 in 2005. [In otherwords, what cost $1 in 1950 would cost $7.75 in 2005. Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2005 and 1950, they would cost you $1 and $0.13 respectively.] In real terms, that means gasoline prices today are only slightly higher, about 8 percent, than they were in 1950. Up until the recent spike, gasoline prices have been considerably lower than 1950 prices... Some Americans are demanding that the government do something about gasoline prices. Let's think back to 1979 when the government did do something. The Carter administration instituted price controls. What did we see? We saw long gasoline lines... It's estimated that Americans used about 150,000 barrels of oil per day idling their cars while waiting in line…Our true supply problem is of our own doing. Large quantities of oil lie below the 20 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The amount of land proposed for oil drilling is less than 2,000 acres, less than one-half of 1 percent of ANWR. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are about 10 billion barrels of recoverable oil in ANWR. But environmentalists' hold on Congress has prevented us from drilling for it. They've also had success in restricting drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and off the shore of California. Another part of our energy problem has to do with refining capacity. Again, because of environmentalists' successful efforts, it's been 30 years since we've built a new oil refinery…Few people realize that the U.S. is also a major oil-producing country. After Saudi Arabia, producing 10.4 million barrels a day, then Russia with 9.4 million barrels, the U.S. with 8.7 million barrels a day is the third-largest producer of oil. But we could produce more. Why aren't we? Producers have a variety of techniques to win monopoly power and higher profits that come with that power… What's a way for OPEC to gain more power? I have a hypothesis, for which I have no evidence, but it ought to be tested. If I were an OPEC big cheese, I'd easily conclude that I could restrict output and charge higher oil prices if somehow U.S. oil drilling were restricted. I'd see U.S. environmental groups as allies, and I would make "charitable" contributions to assist their efforts to reduce U.S. output. Again, I have no evidence, but it's a hypothesis worth examination.”

GE's new Super High By-Pass engine makes over 400,000 lb of thrust and is whisper quiet. Even though the passenger pod configuration was first conceived by the Germans in 1944 this is the first time a giant American aircraft company such as Boeing has used this configuration.[ Psst!! It’s a joke…]
Effort to attract America's religious voters a failure
(AgapePress)...A new poll shows that efforts by the Democratic Party to attract more of America's religious voters is so far proving to be a failure. In the aftermath of the Democrats' 2004 election loss, party officials have been working to try to find some way to attract the bloc that has become known as the "values voters." But the new poll from the Pew Research Center finds that the campaign is not only not succeeding -- but it may even be backfiring. John Green is a senior fellow in religion and American politics at the Pew Center. He notes that, according to the Center's research, "Last summer, about 40 percent of Americans said that they thought the Democratic Party was friendly towards religion, and in our most recent survey it had fallen to 29 percent." And Green says the recent poll also asked people how they felt about creationism being taught in public schools, and once again, the results were unexpected. "Much to our surprise," Green tells Associated Press, "a very large proportion of the population, about two thirds, said, 'Gee, let's teach both. Let's teach something of the creationist perspective but also something from the evolution perspective.'" The poll of 2,000 adults was carried out in the first few weeks of July. [Fred Jackson]
Something to be thankful for
(AgapePress)......The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, plans to continue having its chaplains say grace before mandatory lunch for its more than 4,000 midshipmen, despite a policy issued this week by the U.S. Air Force to discourage most public prayer. The Air Force's new policy says prayer "should not usually be included in official settings such as staff meetings, office meetings, classes or officially sanctioned activities." The Naval Academy is the only U.S. military institution that holds formal prayer at lunch, a ritual that might date to its founding in 1845. The Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2003 that mealtime prayers at the Virginia Military Institute violated the First Amendment. The Air Force Academy holds 20 seconds of silence before lunch, and no prayer precedes the noon meal at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. [AP]
Terrorism Definition Again Causing Problems at UN
Patrick Goodenough- August 31, 2005-
Plans to reform the United Nations once again have run up against longstanding differences between the West and Muslim states over how to define terrorism.The first of several disputes relates to the view by Muslim states that "resistance against occupation" -- particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- should be excluded from an understanding of what constitutes terrorism…A draft document under consideration states: "We affirm that the targeting and deliberate killing of civilians and non-combatants cannot be justified or legitimized by any cause or grievance." In a letter to other envoys, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton said Washington wanted to insert the words "by terrorists" into the phrase, so it would read: " ...deliberate killing by terrorists of civilians and non-combatants cannot be justified or legitimized ..." In a speech at the U.N. earlier this month, British envoy Emyr Jones Parry…said, "agreement has been stalled over a legal definition of terrorist acts. Prevarication and delay have provided a smokescreen for the terrorists." In 2002, OIC foreign ministers met in Malaysia with the specific aim of defining terrorism and dissociating it from Islam…The gathering ended with a statement including the line: "We reject any attempt to link terrorism to the struggle of the Palestinian people in the exercise of their inalienable right to establish their independent state with al-Quds al-Sharif [Jerusalem] as its capital."\ForeignBureaus\archive\200508\FOR20050831a.html
Eleanor Clift's GI Comments Anger Many
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 Susan Jones, Senior Editor.
A group that supports the U.S. military is demanding an apology from Newsweek magazine's Eleanor Clift, who recently characterized America's armed forces as a "mercenary Army." Her comments - made this past weekend on the syndicated TV program "The McLaughlin Group" - were "unfounded and grossly inappropriate," said the Freedom Alliance… Clift made the comment during a discussion about military recruiting efforts:
"But I think what we're coming to grips with is the fact that we actually have a mercenary Army," Clift said, according to a transcript of "The McLaughlin Group" program…"And it doesn't have a nice ring to it. We call it 'volunteers,' but we're basically paying people to serve their country. And if you're going to pay people and have a mercenary Army, you're going to have to pay the market rate. And so the bounties are going up - more money for tuition, higher enlistment bonuses - and I think it's appropriate."
"It is a vile and thankless description of those who are responsible for defending your life and right to free expression," Kilgannon wrote in the letter. "A professional wordsmith such as yourself should understand that mercenary troops have no loyalties, no ties and no bonds to any nation. They fight not for duty, flag or country but for selfish gain. They have no regard for political ideology and no respect for national interests. Often, at the first sign of resistance, mercenary troops turn and run."
Poll: Sheehan's Protest Backfired
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005
"Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan's Bush-bashing protest has apparently backfired, with a slight plurality of Americans saying her antics have actually made them more likely to support the Iraq war, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Tuesday.
More Than 95 Percent of Gulf Oil Production Lost
Aug. 31, 2005
…645 of the 819 staffed production platforms in the Gulf were shut down, delaying production of 1.43 million barrels of oil. On a normal day, the Gulf produces 1.5 million barrels…The shutdowns also delayed production of 8.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas, or 88 percent of the Gulf's normal daily gas production of 10 billion cubic feet, the MMS reported from a survey of 68 companies. Since Katrina first threatened Gulf platforms, 4.63 million barrels of oil and 25.4 billion cubic feet of gas have been delayed from reaching market…Storm-related production delays in the Gulf, which accounts for about a third of nation's domestic oil production, have figured increasingly into energy price jumps. In July, three Gulf storms interrupted production… Hurricane Emily delayed production of 240,024 barrels of oil and 1.58 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Hurricane Dennis interrupted the production of 5.29 million barrels of oil and 23.3 billion cubic feet of gas. Tropical Storm Emily delayed production of 312,127 barrels of oil and 1.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas, the MMS said…The Gulf normally produces 547.5 million barrels of oil and 3.65 trillion cubic feet of gas a year...
The Abortifacient Aisle
George Neumayr 8/31/2005 - Hillary Clinton usually decries the greed of pharmaceutical companies. But she suspends her distaste for them if they profit off abortifacients and other drugs that liberals happen to like... Clinton wanted the FDA to approve sale of the abortifacient for over-the-counter use, meaning that 17-year-olds could pick it up at CVS along with their Snickers bars and Pepsi... Hillary Clinton says Bush's FDA is "run not on the basis of science but on ideology," yet for baldly ideological reasons she will try and silence any FDA official who questions the prudence of placing abortifacients in the hands of teens...The same liberals who hold hearings on vitamins and dietary supplements will sabotage hearings on the dangers of abortifacients. Does Henry Waxman who has held hearings on dietary supplements consider them more dangerous than a drug whose whole purpose is to be dangerous…?
So, who is being abused?
See how the detainees at GITMO are treated. Great photos!
David Bennett <><
In 1814, as the British planned their assault on New Orleans, they hoped to recruit the pirate Jean Lafitte and his band. Lafitte went along at first, but then passed the British plans onto the Americans, who were led by Gen. Andrew Jackson…Although the American troops and their allies were outnumbered two to one, their victory was overwhelming. Lafitte later returned to his life as a buccaneer and died in 1826.
Chicago Mayor Apologizes for Corruption...
[Wow! Corruption in Chicago? Imagine that!!]
31 Aug 2005- Mayor Richard Daley says he should have done more to prevent corruption in his administration...More than 20 people have pleaded guilty in the investigation of the scandal-plagued Hired Truck Program...In the hiring fraud scandal, city officials are alleged to have faked scores to help applicants get city jobs after they earned political clout by working in get-out-the-vote organizations... A court order bars City Hall from considering politics when filling most city jobs.
Spaniards Take Part in Annual Tomato Fight
Aug 31 2005 - It is said to be the world's largest tomato battle. Tens of thousands of people hurled truckloads of tomatoes at each other Wednesday, sending knee-deep rivers of tomato sauce down the streets of the small Spanish town of Bunol during its annual food fight _ The Tomatina…municipal trucks dumped about 130 tons of ripe, juicy plum tomatoes at the feet of adrenaline-charged crowds in town's main square…Local lore says it began in the mid-1940s with a food battle that broke out between youngsters near a vegetable stand on the town square in Bunol, 300 kilometers (190 miles) southeast of Madrid. [At least it's safer than the Running of the Bulls]
photos at
Spanish Lesson for the day: Tomatina= tomato fight
Mother Earth is ticked…
This is interesting. I heard Ann Coulter yesterday point out that Jerry Falwell was lambasted by the press and liberals of all stripes when he suggested that maybe 9/11 was God’s judgment or at least a lifting of His protection. Proof that different views are tolerated differently where is the outrage with: “…spiritual and political environmentalists say that massive hurricanes such as Katrina, along with the Asian tsunami, are messages from the earth, letting humanity know of the earth’s pain…..”
Employee Demoted After Displaying Pro-Marriage Views at Work
(AgapePress) A computer technician in California has filed a lawsuit against his employer after being reprimanded for expressing his support for traditional marriage at work. The employee at a private Orange County company works at an office where co-workers are allowed to have personal, religious and political messages in their cubicles. But when he placed a bumper sticker supporting traditional marriage in his own cubicle, his supervisor ordered him to remove it. The worker removed the sticker but was still demoted and reprimanded...
What cost 30 cents in 1950 costs $2.33 in 2005
Dr. Walter E. William, the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University:
… when we ask whether a price is high or low, we have to ask relative to what…In 1950, a gallon of regular gasoline sold for about 30 cents; today, it's $2.50. Are today's gasoline prices high compared to 1950? Before answering that question, we have to take into account inflation that has occurred since 1950. Using my trusty inflation calculator ( ), what cost 30 cents in 1950 costs $2.33 in 2005. [In otherwords, what cost $1 in 1950 would cost $7.75 in 2005. Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2005 and 1950, they would cost you $1 and $0.13 respectively.] In real terms, that means gasoline prices today are only slightly higher, about 8 percent, than they were in 1950. Up until the recent spike, gasoline prices have been considerably lower than 1950 prices... Some Americans are demanding that the government do something about gasoline prices. Let's think back to 1979 when the government did do something. The Carter administration instituted price controls. What did we see? We saw long gasoline lines... It's estimated that Americans used about 150,000 barrels of oil per day idling their cars while waiting in line…Our true supply problem is of our own doing. Large quantities of oil lie below the 20 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The amount of land proposed for oil drilling is less than 2,000 acres, less than one-half of 1 percent of ANWR. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are about 10 billion barrels of recoverable oil in ANWR. But environmentalists' hold on Congress has prevented us from drilling for it. They've also had success in restricting drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and off the shore of California. Another part of our energy problem has to do with refining capacity. Again, because of environmentalists' successful efforts, it's been 30 years since we've built a new oil refinery…Few people realize that the U.S. is also a major oil-producing country. After Saudi Arabia, producing 10.4 million barrels a day, then Russia with 9.4 million barrels, the U.S. with 8.7 million barrels a day is the third-largest producer of oil. But we could produce more. Why aren't we? Producers have a variety of techniques to win monopoly power and higher profits that come with that power… What's a way for OPEC to gain more power? I have a hypothesis, for which I have no evidence, but it ought to be tested. If I were an OPEC big cheese, I'd easily conclude that I could restrict output and charge higher oil prices if somehow U.S. oil drilling were restricted. I'd see U.S. environmental groups as allies, and I would make "charitable" contributions to assist their efforts to reduce U.S. output. Again, I have no evidence, but it's a hypothesis worth examination.”

GE's new Super High By-Pass engine makes over 400,000 lb of thrust and is whisper quiet. Even though the passenger pod configuration was first conceived by the Germans in 1944 this is the first time a giant American aircraft company such as Boeing has used this configuration.[ Psst!! It’s a joke…]
Effort to attract America's religious voters a failure
(AgapePress)...A new poll shows that efforts by the Democratic Party to attract more of America's religious voters is so far proving to be a failure. In the aftermath of the Democrats' 2004 election loss, party officials have been working to try to find some way to attract the bloc that has become known as the "values voters." But the new poll from the Pew Research Center finds that the campaign is not only not succeeding -- but it may even be backfiring. John Green is a senior fellow in religion and American politics at the Pew Center. He notes that, according to the Center's research, "Last summer, about 40 percent of Americans said that they thought the Democratic Party was friendly towards religion, and in our most recent survey it had fallen to 29 percent." And Green says the recent poll also asked people how they felt about creationism being taught in public schools, and once again, the results were unexpected. "Much to our surprise," Green tells Associated Press, "a very large proportion of the population, about two thirds, said, 'Gee, let's teach both. Let's teach something of the creationist perspective but also something from the evolution perspective.'" The poll of 2,000 adults was carried out in the first few weeks of July. [Fred Jackson]
Something to be thankful for
(AgapePress)......The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, plans to continue having its chaplains say grace before mandatory lunch for its more than 4,000 midshipmen, despite a policy issued this week by the U.S. Air Force to discourage most public prayer. The Air Force's new policy says prayer "should not usually be included in official settings such as staff meetings, office meetings, classes or officially sanctioned activities." The Naval Academy is the only U.S. military institution that holds formal prayer at lunch, a ritual that might date to its founding in 1845. The Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2003 that mealtime prayers at the Virginia Military Institute violated the First Amendment. The Air Force Academy holds 20 seconds of silence before lunch, and no prayer precedes the noon meal at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York. [AP]
Terrorism Definition Again Causing Problems at UN
Patrick Goodenough- August 31, 2005-
Plans to reform the United Nations once again have run up against longstanding differences between the West and Muslim states over how to define terrorism.The first of several disputes relates to the view by Muslim states that "resistance against occupation" -- particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- should be excluded from an understanding of what constitutes terrorism…A draft document under consideration states: "We affirm that the targeting and deliberate killing of civilians and non-combatants cannot be justified or legitimized by any cause or grievance." In a letter to other envoys, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton said Washington wanted to insert the words "by terrorists" into the phrase, so it would read: " ...deliberate killing by terrorists of civilians and non-combatants cannot be justified or legitimized ..." In a speech at the U.N. earlier this month, British envoy Emyr Jones Parry…said, "agreement has been stalled over a legal definition of terrorist acts. Prevarication and delay have provided a smokescreen for the terrorists." In 2002, OIC foreign ministers met in Malaysia with the specific aim of defining terrorism and dissociating it from Islam…The gathering ended with a statement including the line: "We reject any attempt to link terrorism to the struggle of the Palestinian people in the exercise of their inalienable right to establish their independent state with al-Quds al-Sharif [Jerusalem] as its capital."\ForeignBureaus\archive\200508\FOR20050831a.html
Eleanor Clift's GI Comments Anger Many
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 Susan Jones, Senior Editor.
A group that supports the U.S. military is demanding an apology from Newsweek magazine's Eleanor Clift, who recently characterized America's armed forces as a "mercenary Army." Her comments - made this past weekend on the syndicated TV program "The McLaughlin Group" - were "unfounded and grossly inappropriate," said the Freedom Alliance… Clift made the comment during a discussion about military recruiting efforts:
"But I think what we're coming to grips with is the fact that we actually have a mercenary Army," Clift said, according to a transcript of "The McLaughlin Group" program…"And it doesn't have a nice ring to it. We call it 'volunteers,' but we're basically paying people to serve their country. And if you're going to pay people and have a mercenary Army, you're going to have to pay the market rate. And so the bounties are going up - more money for tuition, higher enlistment bonuses - and I think it's appropriate."
"It is a vile and thankless description of those who are responsible for defending your life and right to free expression," Kilgannon wrote in the letter. "A professional wordsmith such as yourself should understand that mercenary troops have no loyalties, no ties and no bonds to any nation. They fight not for duty, flag or country but for selfish gain. They have no regard for political ideology and no respect for national interests. Often, at the first sign of resistance, mercenary troops turn and run."
Poll: Sheehan's Protest Backfired
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005
"Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan's Bush-bashing protest has apparently backfired, with a slight plurality of Americans saying her antics have actually made them more likely to support the Iraq war, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Tuesday.
More Than 95 Percent of Gulf Oil Production Lost
Aug. 31, 2005
…645 of the 819 staffed production platforms in the Gulf were shut down, delaying production of 1.43 million barrels of oil. On a normal day, the Gulf produces 1.5 million barrels…The shutdowns also delayed production of 8.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas, or 88 percent of the Gulf's normal daily gas production of 10 billion cubic feet, the MMS reported from a survey of 68 companies. Since Katrina first threatened Gulf platforms, 4.63 million barrels of oil and 25.4 billion cubic feet of gas have been delayed from reaching market…Storm-related production delays in the Gulf, which accounts for about a third of nation's domestic oil production, have figured increasingly into energy price jumps. In July, three Gulf storms interrupted production… Hurricane Emily delayed production of 240,024 barrels of oil and 1.58 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Hurricane Dennis interrupted the production of 5.29 million barrels of oil and 23.3 billion cubic feet of gas. Tropical Storm Emily delayed production of 312,127 barrels of oil and 1.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas, the MMS said…The Gulf normally produces 547.5 million barrels of oil and 3.65 trillion cubic feet of gas a year...
The Abortifacient Aisle
George Neumayr 8/31/2005 - Hillary Clinton usually decries the greed of pharmaceutical companies. But she suspends her distaste for them if they profit off abortifacients and other drugs that liberals happen to like... Clinton wanted the FDA to approve sale of the abortifacient for over-the-counter use, meaning that 17-year-olds could pick it up at CVS along with their Snickers bars and Pepsi... Hillary Clinton says Bush's FDA is "run not on the basis of science but on ideology," yet for baldly ideological reasons she will try and silence any FDA official who questions the prudence of placing abortifacients in the hands of teens...The same liberals who hold hearings on vitamins and dietary supplements will sabotage hearings on the dangers of abortifacients. Does Henry Waxman who has held hearings on dietary supplements consider them more dangerous than a drug whose whole purpose is to be dangerous…?
So, who is being abused?
See how the detainees at GITMO are treated. Great photos!
David Bennett <><
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