October 3, 2005
Pope Benedict whacks 'hypocritical' secularists
Calls those who want to exclude God from public life intolerantOctober 2, 2005 In a message to over 250 Catholic bishops at the Vatican today, Pope Benedict XVI said it was hypocritical to exclude God and religion from public life.
"A tolerance which allows God as a private opinion but which excludes him from public life, from the reality of the world and our lives, is not tolerance but hypocrisy," the pope said in the homily he gave at a three-week-long synod's opening mass in St Peter's Basilica. "When man makes himself the only master of the world and master of himself, justice cannot exist. Then, arbitrariness, power and interests rule." ...People who ignore God pose a threat to "the Church in Europe, Europe itself and the West," the pontiff said... http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46618
Apparent major breakthrough with patient paralyzed 19 years
September 28, 2005 In an apparent major breakthrough, scientists in Korea report using umbilical cord blood stem cells to restore feeling and mobility to a spinal-cord injury patient. Umbilical cord cells are considered "adult stem cells," in contrast to embryonic stem cells…
The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cythotherapy, centered on a woman had been a paraplegic 19 years due to an accident...The study's abstract says not only did the patient regain feeling, but 41 days after stem cell transplantation, testing "also showed regeneration of the spinal cord at the injured cite" and below it. ..The scientists conclude the transplantation "could be a good treatment method" for paraplegic patients...The fact that the patient has a very old injury, Smith added, makes the results even more dramatic.
...Like most breakthroughs using adult stem cells, this one has been completely ignored by the U.S. mainstream media, Smith pointed out. "Can you imagine the headlines if the cells used had been embryonic?" he asked.
New Orleans levee reported weak in 1990s
Records: Construction firm alerted engineers, but no action was takenSept. 30 ...NBC News has obtained what may be a key clue, hidden in long forgotten legal documents. They reveal that when the floodwall on the 17th Street Canal was built a decade ago, there were major construction problems — problems brought to the attention of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
A 1998 ruling, by an administrative judge for the Corps' Board of Contract Appeals, shows that the contractor, Pittman Construction, told the Corps that the soil and the foundation for the walls were “not of sufficient strength, rigidity and stability” to build on...The judge, in her ruling, blamed the contractor for the construction errors and turned down Pittman's request for more funds....http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9532037/
Hillary Clinton Urges Katrina Aid for Illegal Immigrants
Oct. 2, 2005 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is urging the Department of Homeland Security to assure illegal immigrants that they will get their fair share of Hurricane Katrina relief aid without fear of being deported.
In a statement posted to her official Senate web site on Wednesday, Clinton said that the DHS should "issue a formal statement reassuring immigrant victims of Hurricane Rita and Katrina that they can seek help from relief agencies without fear of deportation or being turned over to immigration authorities."
Hurricane Center: Global Warming Equals Fewer Storm
Sept. 25, 2005 Environmentalists who claim global warming has caused an increase in U.S. hurricane activity obviously haven't checked with the National Hurricane Center, which has kept statistics on major storms over the last 150 years. That's probably because those statistics yield one inescapable conclusion: If global warming has had any impact at all on hurricane activity, it's lessened - not increased - the frequency of major hurricanes....
eminent domain
Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black, coastal community that intends to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if necessary, to displace about 6,000 local residents and build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex. "This is a community that's in dire need of jobs, which has a median income of less than $19,000 a year," said Riviera Beach Mayor Michael Brown.
"This is a very [racially] mixed area that's also very stable," she said. "But no one seems to care ... Riviera Beach needs economic redevelopment. But there's got to be another way." ...Dana Berliner, senior lawyer with the Institute for Justice, which represented homeowners in the Kelo case, said "pie in the sky" expectations like those expressed by Mr. Brown are routine in all these cases...
Bill Bennett Taken Out of Context
September 30, 2005 - 10:45. Bill Bennett is under heavy fire from liberals for a so-called "racist" remark on his talk show a couple days ago. In a discussion on economics, poverty, and abortion, Bennett made an analogy that he immediately identified as "morally reprehensible." In the full context of the entire discussion, his comment is not the least bit racist, but liberals are taking his comment way out of context and are implementing a strong attack through breathless demands for an apology from Bennett. Meanwhile, a nationally syndicated liberal talk show host compares the evacuation of victims of Hurricane Katrina to the evil round-up of innocents in the Holocaust(!). Let's compare the two recent episodes and the media reaction...
...this September 22, 2005, Newsbusters.org post, Air America's Randi Rhodes, last week on her radio show, made a clear and unapologetic comparison between the treatment of evacuees of Hurricane Katrina to the round-up of citizens onto cattle cars being sent to Auschwitz during the Holocaust. And what was the media reaction to that?
Toddlers looked after by mothers 'develop better'
03 October 2005 Toddlers who are looked after by their mothers do significantly better in developmental tests than those cared for by nurseries, childminders or relatives, according to a study to be published today.
The findings will show that those given nursery care fared worst. They exhibited higher levels of aggression and were inclined to become more compliant, withdrawn or sad...Those looked after by grandparents and other relatives fared a little better...
Tar Sands Make Canada Energy Powerhouse
Canada has become an energy powerhouse by separating petroleum from sand. Oil sands — also called tar sands — are found in an area almost half the size of Colorado spread across central Alberta, 240 miles northeast of Edmonton. The deposits account for roughly half of Canada's crude oil output, or about 1 million barrels of oil a day...Canada estimates the sands will yield as much as 175 billion barrels of oil, making it second only to Saudi Arabia in crude oil reserves and enough to satisfy U.S. demand for at least a generation...A group of congressional staffers recently toured Alberta, eager to learn whether the unusual oil industry here can somehow serve as a model for oil shale production in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming...http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051002/ap_on_bi_ge/shale_tar_sands_2
Vets Group Declares War on Protesters
Oct 2, 2005 ...On Friday the American Legion said they're declaring war on anti-war protesters, and they're starting a letter-writing campaign from soldiers fighting in Iraq who want to get their side of the story out...http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/10/2/122322.shtml
predestination vs. free will http://www.freewill-predestination.com/
Calls those who want to exclude God from public life intolerantOctober 2, 2005 In a message to over 250 Catholic bishops at the Vatican today, Pope Benedict XVI said it was hypocritical to exclude God and religion from public life.
"A tolerance which allows God as a private opinion but which excludes him from public life, from the reality of the world and our lives, is not tolerance but hypocrisy," the pope said in the homily he gave at a three-week-long synod's opening mass in St Peter's Basilica. "When man makes himself the only master of the world and master of himself, justice cannot exist. Then, arbitrariness, power and interests rule." ...People who ignore God pose a threat to "the Church in Europe, Europe itself and the West," the pontiff said... http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46618
Apparent major breakthrough with patient paralyzed 19 years
September 28, 2005 In an apparent major breakthrough, scientists in Korea report using umbilical cord blood stem cells to restore feeling and mobility to a spinal-cord injury patient. Umbilical cord cells are considered "adult stem cells," in contrast to embryonic stem cells…
The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cythotherapy, centered on a woman had been a paraplegic 19 years due to an accident...The study's abstract says not only did the patient regain feeling, but 41 days after stem cell transplantation, testing "also showed regeneration of the spinal cord at the injured cite" and below it. ..The scientists conclude the transplantation "could be a good treatment method" for paraplegic patients...The fact that the patient has a very old injury, Smith added, makes the results even more dramatic.
...Like most breakthroughs using adult stem cells, this one has been completely ignored by the U.S. mainstream media, Smith pointed out. "Can you imagine the headlines if the cells used had been embryonic?" he asked.
New Orleans levee reported weak in 1990s
Records: Construction firm alerted engineers, but no action was takenSept. 30 ...NBC News has obtained what may be a key clue, hidden in long forgotten legal documents. They reveal that when the floodwall on the 17th Street Canal was built a decade ago, there were major construction problems — problems brought to the attention of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
A 1998 ruling, by an administrative judge for the Corps' Board of Contract Appeals, shows that the contractor, Pittman Construction, told the Corps that the soil and the foundation for the walls were “not of sufficient strength, rigidity and stability” to build on...The judge, in her ruling, blamed the contractor for the construction errors and turned down Pittman's request for more funds....http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9532037/
Hillary Clinton Urges Katrina Aid for Illegal Immigrants
Oct. 2, 2005 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is urging the Department of Homeland Security to assure illegal immigrants that they will get their fair share of Hurricane Katrina relief aid without fear of being deported.
In a statement posted to her official Senate web site on Wednesday, Clinton said that the DHS should "issue a formal statement reassuring immigrant victims of Hurricane Rita and Katrina that they can seek help from relief agencies without fear of deportation or being turned over to immigration authorities."
Hurricane Center: Global Warming Equals Fewer Storm
Sept. 25, 2005 Environmentalists who claim global warming has caused an increase in U.S. hurricane activity obviously haven't checked with the National Hurricane Center, which has kept statistics on major storms over the last 150 years. That's probably because those statistics yield one inescapable conclusion: If global warming has had any impact at all on hurricane activity, it's lessened - not increased - the frequency of major hurricanes....
eminent domain
Florida's Riviera Beach is a poor, predominantly black, coastal community that intends to revitalize its economy by using eminent domain, if necessary, to displace about 6,000 local residents and build a billion-dollar waterfront yachting and housing complex. "This is a community that's in dire need of jobs, which has a median income of less than $19,000 a year," said Riviera Beach Mayor Michael Brown.
"This is a very [racially] mixed area that's also very stable," she said. "But no one seems to care ... Riviera Beach needs economic redevelopment. But there's got to be another way." ...Dana Berliner, senior lawyer with the Institute for Justice, which represented homeowners in the Kelo case, said "pie in the sky" expectations like those expressed by Mr. Brown are routine in all these cases...
Bill Bennett Taken Out of Context
September 30, 2005 - 10:45. Bill Bennett is under heavy fire from liberals for a so-called "racist" remark on his talk show a couple days ago. In a discussion on economics, poverty, and abortion, Bennett made an analogy that he immediately identified as "morally reprehensible." In the full context of the entire discussion, his comment is not the least bit racist, but liberals are taking his comment way out of context and are implementing a strong attack through breathless demands for an apology from Bennett. Meanwhile, a nationally syndicated liberal talk show host compares the evacuation of victims of Hurricane Katrina to the evil round-up of innocents in the Holocaust(!). Let's compare the two recent episodes and the media reaction...
...this September 22, 2005, Newsbusters.org post, Air America's Randi Rhodes, last week on her radio show, made a clear and unapologetic comparison between the treatment of evacuees of Hurricane Katrina to the round-up of citizens onto cattle cars being sent to Auschwitz during the Holocaust. And what was the media reaction to that?
Toddlers looked after by mothers 'develop better'
03 October 2005 Toddlers who are looked after by their mothers do significantly better in developmental tests than those cared for by nurseries, childminders or relatives, according to a study to be published today.
The findings will show that those given nursery care fared worst. They exhibited higher levels of aggression and were inclined to become more compliant, withdrawn or sad...Those looked after by grandparents and other relatives fared a little better...
Tar Sands Make Canada Energy Powerhouse
Canada has become an energy powerhouse by separating petroleum from sand. Oil sands — also called tar sands — are found in an area almost half the size of Colorado spread across central Alberta, 240 miles northeast of Edmonton. The deposits account for roughly half of Canada's crude oil output, or about 1 million barrels of oil a day...Canada estimates the sands will yield as much as 175 billion barrels of oil, making it second only to Saudi Arabia in crude oil reserves and enough to satisfy U.S. demand for at least a generation...A group of congressional staffers recently toured Alberta, eager to learn whether the unusual oil industry here can somehow serve as a model for oil shale production in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming...http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051002/ap_on_bi_ge/shale_tar_sands_2
Vets Group Declares War on Protesters
Oct 2, 2005 ...On Friday the American Legion said they're declaring war on anti-war protesters, and they're starting a letter-writing campaign from soldiers fighting in Iraq who want to get their side of the story out...http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/10/2/122322.shtml
predestination vs. free will http://www.freewill-predestination.com/
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