IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 12, 2006

Senate Intelligence Report Finds No Connection
September 9, 2006 by Scott Ott (humor alert)(2006-09-09) — Just a day after the Senate Intelligence committee released a report finding no pre-war connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, aides said unpublished findings of the committee’s probe also indicate no verifiable link between the senate and intelligence.

“Senate intelligence turns out to be a misnomer, or perhaps an oxymoron,” said one unnamed aide. “Our research turned up no substantial connections…nothing but hearsay from unreliable witnesses.”

The 151-page published report would seem to refute the Bush administration’s pre-war claims of a Hussein-Qaeda link, the source said, as well as the committee’s post-war claim to be conducting a thorough investigation.

Remember the article I sent out about two weeks ago stating gas would be close to $2/gal by Thanksgiving? Also Steve Forbes predicted this in August 2005.

Good Weather Radar
Click on your area to zoom in

Solar Cells for Cheap
September 12, 2006 Not everyone gets a solar cell named after them: but Michael Gratzel did. He says his novel technology, which promises electricity-generating windows and low manufacturing costs, is ready for the market....


Accused Grave Robbers Charged With Attempted Sex Assault On Corpse
WISCONSIN: 9/6/06 ...According to a criminal complaint, the three men were charged with digging up the grave at the St. Charles Catholic Cemetery in Cassville with the intent to have sex with the victim's body, WISC-TV reported.

Alexander Grunke, his twin brother Nicholas Grunke and their friend Dustin Radke -- all 20 years old -- have been in a Grant County jail since Saturday.

The grave that the men are accused of trying to dig up belonged to Laura Tennessen, 20, of Cassville, who was buried last week after being killed in a motorcycle crash on Aug. 28.

...Radke allegedly confessed and said that the incident was an elaborate plan to have sex with the corpse. He told authorities that Nicholas Grunke asked him to help dig up Tennessen's grave and take the corpse back to a pre-selected location behind his house with the intent to have sex with her, WISC-TV reported.

Authorities said that Radke said that the three stopped at the Wal-Mart in Dodgeville on their way to the cemetery and bought condoms...

I guess they are longing for the days when "tortured" meant being embarrassed and humiliated
Tortured screams ring out as Iraqis take over Abu Ghraib
By Ali Saber in Baghdad and Gethin Chamberlain

The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors...

...Some of the small number of prisoners who remained in the jail after the Americans left said they had pleaded to go with their departing captors, rather than be left in the hands of Iraqi guards.

"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.

...The witness said that even in the thieves' section prisoners were being treated badly. "Someone was shouting 'Please help us, we want the human rights officers, we want the Americans to come back'," he said.

Prisoners interviewed in the presence of their jailers said they were frightened for their safety. They complained that chicken and milk had been cut from their rations, leaving them on rice and water. They also complained about the oppressive heat....

...Haleem Aleulami, who was released from the jail last week, said the Americans had treated him better when they ran the jail....

...Khalid Alaani, who was also picked up in Ramadi suspected of involvement in Sunni terrorism, said: "We preferred the Americans. We asked to move with them to Baghdad airport because we knew the treatment would be changed because we know what the Iraqis are. When the Americans left everything changed."

Staff at the jail said that the prisoners were allowed out from their cells for only 15 to 20 minutes a day because of the danger from the regular mortar attacks. They are no longer allowed access to the main hall where the Americans had allowed them to watch television and the room is now reserved for the use of officers and guards. Staff explained that the air conditioning in the cell blocks had broken, although it was working in their quarters...

Cheering for the Enemy
How can we be entertained by immorality one day and say it is wrong the next? We can't. It is impossible to be entertained by something we find offensive. see:

Christian Faces Trial Over Bible-Based Pamphlets
September 12, 2006 ( - Evangelical Christians in Britain are concerned about the prosecution of a protester who was arrested at a homosexuality rally while disseminating leaflets quoting the biblical view about homosexuality.

Stephen Green, who heads a small but active lobby group called Christian Voice, is scheduled to appear before a Cardiff court on September 28, after pleading not guilty to a charge of "threatening, abusive or insulting behavior."

...The Evangelical Alliance, a 160-year-old group representing more than a million British evangelicals, said it was worried that the case may "erode" Christians' freedom to proclaim their faith, as well as freedom of speech and religious liberties...

...Green was arrested after allegedly refusing to stop handing out pamphlets to people arriving at a "Mardi Gras" event in the Welsh capital.

The leaflets he was handing out were entitled "Same-sex love, same-sex sex: What does the Bible say?"

The text, which is available on the Christian Voice website, included verses from Leviticus in the Old Testament and Romans in the New Testament, characterizing homosexual acts as sinful.

It also contained a basic gospel message, including the promise of God's forgiveness and eternal life for those who turn from their sins and "call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."

...Green was arrested by "Minorities Support Unit" of the South Wales Police...

Writing in the Daily Mail earlier, columnist Melanie Phillips wondered how long it would be before Christianity was outlawed in Britain...

...Phillips cited other recent incidents, including one late last year in which an author on children's rights was contacted by London police after she said during a radio interview that same-sex couples were not ideal adoptive parents...The police said they were following up a complaint about a "homophobic incident." ...

CNN "In the Money" Drops GOP-Big Oil Conspiracy Theory on Gas Prices
September 11, 2006 Ken Shepherd...Serwer later prompted Gheit to give his opinion about the new Gulf of Mexico oil find. Noting that he was reading “Twilight in the Desert” by Matthew Simmons, “one of these peak oil* guys,” Serwer asked for Gheit’s opinion on the notion that the oil industry has hit its peak of oil production. Simmons claims “we have reached peak oil production in the world and it is all downhill from now,” Serwer noted. “Does this discovery in the Gulf suggest that that’s not true at all?” he asked.

“Guess what, it is time [for that theory] to be dead by now,” Gheit [oil analyst] said, noting that the theory was popular 25 years ago and didn’t live up to its dire predictions then.

“It’s a good headline grabber, it’s an interesting discussion in a cocktail party, but doesn’t hold water,” he asserted.

* Peak Oil Theory- the idea that there is only so much oil to be had and that we're running out of oil.

Tim Russert Plays Dirty Pool With VP Cheney's Old "Pretty Well Confirmed" Remark
On today's episode of Meet the Press (Sunday, September 10, 2006), Tim Russert interviewed Vice President Cheney. In the interview, Russert took issue with the fact that the Vice President once stated on his show that it was "pretty well confirmed" that Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, met with Iraqi intelligence in Prague in April 2001.

Here's the craftiness by Russert: Mr. Cheney made the "pretty well confirmed" remark in a December 9, 2001, appearance, over four-and-a-half years ago. Russert failed to inform his audience this morning when the remark was originally made. In addition, in three following appearances on Meet the Press (3/02, 9/02, and 9/03), when the Vice President breached the topic of the Atta-Prague allegation, he essentially told Russert that he "[didn't] know" if the visit occurred, that it was "unconfirmed," and that intelligence had been unable "to nail down a close tie between the al-Qaida organization and Saddam Hussein." The Vice President's stance on the issue was certainly modified from the one he originally aired in 2001.

In fact, in the very last appearance that the Vice President made on Meet the Press (in September 2003), Mr. Cheney specifically told Russert that "we just don't know" if such a meeting ever happened. And in his September 2002 appearance, the Vice President said almost the opposite of it being "pretty well confirmed"; he said the meeting was "unconfirmed"! Yet this morning Russert harked back to the original 2001 appearance over four-and-a-half years ago to try and hammer the Vice President for the "pretty well confirmed" words. Fairness, anyone? Not at all.

Katrina, lies and videotape
By Star Parker August 28, 2006
Spike Lee took his cameras and crew to New Orleans to film a documentary about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. The four-hour production, which aired on HBO, is, unfortunately, about as destructive as was the disaster it depicts...
read the article at:,_lies_and_videotape

David Bennett <><