IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 25, 2007

UK: Knife Action [demand for tougher sentences]

Yorkshire Post (UK) ^ | 3/20/07

IN demanding tougher sentences for the perpetrators of knife-related crime, Britain's political leaders have, once again, sought a quick-fix when a more fundamental review is required.

The need to tackle this country's growing knife culture is self-explanatory following the recent spate of murders, and also growing concerns about the number of pupils attending Yorkshire schools equipped with offensive weapons. ..

...Halting the sale and distribution of knives must, therefore, go hand in hand with tougher sentences...

Wait a minute. I thought when the Brits banned guns they'd have a peaceful and crime free society... don't forget, merely resisting a criminal will land you in jail in Britain.

NASA Finds Sun-Climate Connection in Old Nile Records
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 19, 2007 | NASA press release

Long-term climate records are a key to understanding how Earth's climate changed in the past and how it may change in the future. Direct measurements of light energy emitted by the sun, taken by satellites and other modern scientific techniques, suggest variations in the sun's activity influence Earth's long-term climate. However, there were no measured climate records of this type until the relatively recent scientific past...

... a group of NASA and university scientists has found a convincing link between long-term solar and climate variability in a unique and unexpected source: directly measured ancient water level records of the Nile, Earth's longest river.

[the] Jet Propulsion Laboratory [has] analyzed Egyptian records of annual Nile water levels collected between 622 and 1470 A.D. at Rawdah Island in Cairo. These records were then compared to another well-documented human record from the same time period: observations of the number of auroras reported per decade in the Northern Hemisphere. Auroras are bright glows in the night sky that happen when mass is rapidly ejected from the sun's corona, or following solar flares. They are an excellent means of tracking variations in the sun's activity.

...The researchers found some clear links between the sun's activity and climate variations. The Nile water levels and aurora records had two somewhat regularly occurring variations in common - one with a period of about 88 years and the second with a period of about 200 years.

The researchers said the findings have climate implications that extend far beyond the Nile River basin...

...So what causes these cyclical links between solar variability and the Nile? The authors suggest that variations in the sun's ultraviolet energy cause adjustments in a climate pattern called the Northern Annular Mode, which affects climate in the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere during the winter. At sea level, this mode becomes the North Atlantic Oscillation, a large-scale seesaw in atmospheric mass that affects how air circulates over the Atlantic Ocean. During periods of high solar activity, the North Atlantic Oscillation's influence extends to the Indian Ocean. These adjustments may affect the distribution of air temperatures, which subsequently influence air circulation and rainfall at the Nile River's sources in eastern equatorial Africa. When solar activity is high, conditions are drier, and when it is low, conditions are wetter...

Mission to Sun shows turbulent magnetic field

X-ray images taken from a new international spacecraft show that the Sun's magnetic field is much more turbulent than scientists knew, NASA reported on Wednesday.

They saw twisting plumes of gas rising from the Sun's corona and reacting with the star's magnetic field, a process that releases energy and may power solar storms and coronal mass ejections, which in turn affect the Earth.

A turbulent magnetic field would, in theory, generate more energy than a steady-state field...

Sun's pulses point to drenching rain (Solar driven climate system)
March 19, 2007

DROUGHT-BREAKING rains across eastern Australia have been predicted in new modelling by a scientist who believes massive pulses in the sun's magnetic field are helping to drive the Earth's climate systems. If proven, the research will make the prediction of floods and droughts in Australia far more reliable and influence models projecting future climate change.

Robert Baker, from the University of New England, claims to have found a strong relationship between the rhythmic pulsing of the sun's magnetic field and weather systems, particularly in the southern hemisphere.

The sun's magnetic emissions are known to peak every 11 years, a phenomenon demonstrated by increased sunspot activity. The sun also switches poles every 11 years. It last flipped in 2001.

Associate Professor Baker said modelling of the sun's magnetic activity showed high rainfall during times of high activity and drought when the sun was stable....

...He said this relationship between the sun and climate required further research because it might help to explain an important but little understood natural cycle influencing the Earth's climate systems...

...Dr Baker said the sun appeared to follow a longer-term magnetic cycle of about 80 years, meaning it might be possible to predict floods and droughts for the next 30 years based on historical records from the mid-1920s...

...It also suggests there may be a longer 500-year solar cycle, which may help explain climate variability over the past centuries, including periods of unexplained climate variability such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age...,20867,21404847-30417,00.html

Skeptic calls environmental activists 'hypocritical'
March 22, 2007
A gorebal warming skeptic says Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is being hypocritical by urging Americans to cut back on energy consumption while he's building a house that's larger than most elementary schools...

...Edwards also recently told, "I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and focus on our own selfish, short-term needs."

Meanwhile, Edwards is building a 28,000-square-foot house on a 102-acre estate in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, according to George Landrith, president of the Frontiers of Freedom Institute. He says Edwards is just one of many politicians living lives of opulence while telling everyone else they should not be using energy.

"We saw that several weeks ago with Al Gorebal-warming," he says. "You know, he uses in a single month more [energy] than most of us use in a year … at one of his homes; that doesn't even count the other homes that he owns -- all while telling us that he's buying 'carbon credits,' which I think basically means 'I'm rich, so I can pay to not feel guilty about the fact that I'm wasting lots of energy.' That's fiction."

Landrith says it's "hypocritical and self-serving" for Edwards, Al Gorebal-warming, and other gorebal warming alarmists to lecture people about energy consumption while "owning ten SUVs and a ten-car garage, flying private jets, and building mansions."

Al Gorebal-warming Refuses to Take Personal Energy Pledge
March 21
Former Vice President Al Gorebal-warming refused to take a "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge" today to consume no more energy than the average American household. The pledge was presented to Al Gorebal-warming by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, during today's gorebal warming hearing.

Senator Inhofe showed Al Gorebal-warming a film frame from "An Inconvenient Truth" where it asks viewers: "Are you ready to change the way you live?"

Al Gorebal-warming has been criticized for excessive home energy usage at his residence in Tennessee. His electricity usage is reportedly 20 times higher than the average American household...

...Senator Inhofe then presented Vice President Gorebal-warming with the following "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge:

As a believer:

"that human-caused gorebal warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;
that home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;

that reducing my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions; and
that leaders on moral issues should lead by example;

I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008."

Al Gorebal-warming refused to take the pledge.

Al Gorebal-warming Won't Behave By Senate Rules
March 20, 2007
... Former Vice President Al Gorebal-warming, despite being given major preferential treatment, has violated the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee’s (EPW) hearing rules.

Al Gorebal-warming first demanded to be granted an unprecedented 30 minute opening statement to the Senate EPW Committee for Wednesday’s (March 21) gorebal warming hearing scheduled for 2:30 pm ET.

The GOP minority on the EPW committee agreed to the 30 minute opening statement.

But then Al Gorebal-warming demanded a waiver of the EPW committee’s 48 hour rule that requires all witnesses before EPW to submit their testimony in advance. The GOP minority on the EPW committee then agreed to waive the 48 hour rule in favor of allowing Al Gorebal-warming to submit his testimony 24 hours before the hearing.

But in a breaking news development on Capitol Hill, the former Vice President has violated the new 24 hour deadline extension by failing to submit his testimony – even with the new time extension granted to Al Gorebal-warming...

Al Gorebal-warming Refuses to Listen to Republican Opening Statements
Former Vice President Al Gorebal-warming apparently will brook no skepticism. Given the opportunity to testify about global warming before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, Al Gorebal-warming decided to arrive late, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the Republican opening statement. He was seen waiting in a hall outside the committee room...

...Republicans also objected to the fact that they received Al Gorebal-warming's written testimony at 7 a.m. Wednesday morning -- hours after Democrats received it. "How are we supposed to prepare questions for our esteemed witness when we're basically given the testimony two hours before he shows up?" asked one committee Republican.

Republicans complained that Al Gorebal-warming was getting special treatment. The hearing entitled "Perspectives on Climate Change" will also feature Al Gorebal-warming critic, Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Consensus Center in Denmark and author of the controversial book "The Skeptical Environmentalist." Later in the day, the former vice president will testify again, this time before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Al Gorebal-warming plan would 'ban new cars and people'
March 21, 2007

Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, today told former Vice President Al Gorebal-warming his theories on gorebal warming are not supported by the facts and if Al Gorebal-warming 's desires are implemented, there would be no new businesses, cars or even people allowed in the United States.

"You just gave us an idea for a straight CO2 freeze, if I heard you correctly. I think that's an idea that's flawed. If you take that literally, we can add no new industry, nor new cars and trucks on our streets, and apparently no new people," Barton, who represents the 6th District in Texas, said. "People are mobile-source emitters. Every person emits 0.2 tons of CO2 a year, so an absolute true freeze would be no new industry, no new people, and no new cars."

..."The first thing I want to address is the science of gorebal warming as portrayed by the vice president's film, 'An Inconvenient Truth.' This is something that I think we absolutely have to get right. Even the mainstream media, Mr. Vice President, are now noticing that gorebal warming science is uneven and evolving. We need to be deliberative and careful when we talk about so-called scientific facts," Barton, the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said.

"In your movie, you display a timeline of temperature and compared to CO2 levels over a 600,000-year period as reconstructed from ice core samples. You indicate that this is conclusive proof of the link of increased CO2 emissions and gorebal warming. A closer examination of these facts reveals something entirely different," Barton said.

Barton said a Science magazine article he was submitting for the record shows that historically, increases in CO2 concentrations actually lagged temperature changes by up to 1,000 years.

"The temperature appears to drive CO2, not vice versa. On this point, Mr. Vice President, you're not just off a little. You're totally wrong. And it's not just this one article; the president of the National Academy of Sciences agreed, under oath, last summer in an Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing on this very point," said Barton...

...Barton also noted that "historically, and repeatedly," CO2 levels have far exceeded concentrations now being reported, which are in the range of 380 parts per million...
more at

Expert says Al Gorebal-warming's gorebal warming testimony 'completely wrong'
March 21, 2007
A former Sierra Club member says Al Gorebal-warming was promoting science fiction during his testimony on Capitol Hill about gorebal warming. In addition, he contends the former vice president's proposals to fight gorebal warming would raise energy prices and severely hinder the U.S. economy...

...Paul Driessen -- a senior policy advisor for the Congress of Racial Equality and Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow -- says Al Gorebal-warming's claims are "completely wrong" and propped up by "bad science."

"The fossil record, the ice core record -- all the other data -- shows that the sun has helped warm the Earth first, and then the carbon dioxide has increased," Driessen explains. "So when you look at the record of the CO2 over the last few thousand years and you look at the record for the gorebal temperatures -- the temperature goes up, then the CO2 goes up; the temperature does down, then the CO2 goes down."

The End Of Gorebal Warming
The Virginian ^ | 3/22/2007
When public opinion changes, the change is often dramatic. Why? Because the chattering classed don’t want to be caught on the wrong side of history and when they see that the cause they have been espousing is becoming unpopular, they will try to run to the head of the crowd marching in a new direction.

In other words, the people who tell us what to think are deathly afraid of being in the minority. Couple their juvenile fears of being left out of the ”in-crowd” with a truly staggering ignorance of any smattering of science, or even math, and you have people who can be led to believe in virtually anything by anyone.

Which explains their willingness to advocate the death of the planet by gorebal cooling in the 1970s to the death by warming in this decade.

And now we see the beginning of another shift. This time it’s cause by climate scientists who were perfectly willing to take grant money from the government to prove the politically popular anthropomorphic gorebal warming thesis become a little worried that ridiculous charlatans like Al Gorebal-warming are making claims that make them look ridiculous.

Look, Al Gorebal-warming may have been a moderately successful politician, but this drop-out from the seminary and law school is making climate science an object of ridicule.

The icing on this particular cake is the indisputable fact that other planets in our solar system are also experiencing rises in temperature. It cannot be claimed by anyone not wearing a tinfoil hat that Mars is warming due to human activity. The literally only thing that the Earth and Mars have in common regarding temperature is the sun. The sun being the cause of gorebal warming and cooling cycles is indisputable and uncontroversial...



When the old gray lady says it's over, it's over.

The New York Times -- nearly a year late -- is finally recognizing the scientific reality regarding fears of a man-made climate catastrophe. On March 13, a landmark article stated "scientists argue that some of (former Vice President Al) Gorebal-warming's central points are exaggerated and erroneous." It appears we are all skeptics now.

It's about time the Times joined the growing chorus of scientists criticizing the alarmism. Even the United Nations, despite all the media hoopla, halved its estimates for sea level rise since 2001 and reduced man's impact on the climate by 25 percent in a recent report. A separate U.N. report last year found that emissions from cows do more to drive gorebal warming than C02 from cars.

An increasing number of government leaders and scientists are finally realizing that much of the motivation behind the climate scare has nothing to do with science.

Recently, prominent French scientist Claude Allegre recanted his belief in man-made catastrophic gorebal warming and now says promotion of the idea is motivated by money. (This coming from a French Socialist, no less.)


Al Gorebal-warming on the Rocks
Consensus is reached: Al Gorebal’s gorbal-warming alarmism is overblown
March 21, 2007

Plutonic Warming

By Fred Thompson

March 22, 2007

Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. It seems scientists have noticed recently that quite a few planets in our solar system seem to be heating up a bit, including Pluto.

NASA says the Martian South Pole’s “ice cap” has been shrinking for three summers in a row. Maybe Mars got its fever from earth. If so, I guess Jupiter’s caught the same cold, because it’s warming up too, like Pluto.

This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists who run their air-conditioning at 60 degrees and refuse to recycle.

Silly, I know, but I wonder what all those planets, dwarf planets and moons in our SOLAR system have in common. Hmmmm. SOLAR system. Hmmmm. Solar? I wonder. Nah, I guess we shouldn’t even be talking about this. The science is absolutely decided. There’s a consensus.

Ask Galileo.

— Fred Thompson is an actor and former United States senator from Tennessee.

John Edwards' Death by Bangs

Al Gorebal-warming Continues to Demand Special Treatment
March 20, 2007

Toddler terrorist touted by jihadis
'Have you seen the new child martyr who will soon shake Israel?'

David Bennett <><