IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Friday, September 02, 2005

September 2, 2005

Yankee/Dixie Quiz

Oil prices fall as U.S. facilities restart
Sep 2, (AP) -- Crude oil prices eased Friday and gasoline futures fell for the first time in a week… Providing some reassurance was news that several energy facilities on the U.S. Gulf Coast started up again after Hurricane Katrina....Some fuel pipelines began restarting operations Friday, but the product remains in short supply after Hurricane Katrina shut down nine Gulf Coast refineries, disrupted gasoline pipelines to the Midwest and East and stopped 90 percent of the oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Unemployment Rate Declines to 4-Year Low
The nation's unemployment rate dipped to a four-year low of 4.9 percent in August as companies added 169,000 jobs, a sign that the labor market continued to gain traction before Hurricane Katrina struck.

She may not be able to eat out four nights a week but at least she hasn’t had to cut back on real necessities...
…"If it goes up to $4 a gallon, I don't know what we're going to do," says Robin Biesterveld… Thanks to gas prices, she and her husband have recently cut back on extras such as dining out and dry cleaning…

Something you don't see/hear anymore...
"…Mr. President, congratulations. You're a tough adversary," Tip O'Neill said in a 1981 telephone call to President Ronald Reagan after Congress voted to approve the President's economic package. The very liberal Mr. O'Neill had strenuously opposed the Reagan tax cuts, but the speaker went on to say, "I want to wish you all the success in the world." Who in today's Democrat party would offer such words to President Bush…?

CAIR killing free speech in the U.S.?

…Michael Graham was fired by WMAL for supposedly calling Islam a terrorist organization …
Joel Mowbray September 2, 2005 thing is not in dispute: the big winner is the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which called for his ouster, yet has never specifically condemned Islamic terrorist organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah… a stronger CAIR almost inevitably means a weakened culture of free speech…Mr. Graham was fired last week by Disney-owned WMAL for his on-air comments on July 21 that Islam is a “terrorist organization.” …the station suspended him without pay on July 28—three days after CAIR launched its initial campaign…Here is a representative sample of Graham’s remarks: “Because of the mix of Islamic theology that — rightly or wrongly — is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam’s name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don’t support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion...”

Sunday School teachers get 3 years prison

September 2, 2005 In an Indonesian court...three women were found guilty yesterday of violating the country's Child Protection Act by "Christianizing" Muslims...Rebecca Laonita, Ratna Mala Bangun, and Ety Pangesti – who conducted a "Happy Week" program in their homes – were sentenced to three years in prison...Indonesia's Child Protection Act of 2002 prohibits the enticement of minors to convert to another religion....The women began accepting Muslim children only after receiving permission from the children's parents or guardians...Defense attorneys argued that several of the Muslim parents had been photographed with their children during the Sunday school activities, Compass reported, demonstrating parental approval...But when Muslim leaders complained, the parents refused to testify in support of the women. “... [Protestors] arrived in nine trucks and brought a coffin to bury the accused if they were not found guilty. Their violent threats continued in their speeches before the session began. When the panel of judges read the verdict … the crowd erupted with 'Allahu akbar' or 'Allah is greatest.'...Over the past year, Muslim leaders have forced at least 60 unlicensed churches in West Java to shut down...A controversial 1969 ministerial decree required all houses of worship to obtain a permit from local authorities in the Muslim-dominated state.

The paradoxical state of Christian colleges

New Orleans
The July 10th issue of U.S. News & World Report contained an article entitled "Big Blow in the Big Easy."

The October 2004 issue of National Geographic Magazine

From December 2000 The Lost City of New Orleans?
.....The Big Easy is in big trouble. New Orleans is sinking. And fast. But what's the big deal? Local businesses and residents have heard it all before. They've built levees to control the raging Mississippi. They've developed pumping systems to deal with rain and flooding. They've dug canals to move the water out of the city. And still they survive, wearing the battle scars earned from each hurricane and each flood as badges of honor…New research by the U.S. Geological Survey, however, indicates that New Orleans is sinking faster than many realize and could be under water within 50 years. The city is facing a series of issues--disappearing wetlands that protect from hurricanes, levees that are too low to hold back flood waters, rising water tables, to name a few--that if not addressed soon could have New Orleans suffering the same fate as Atlantis...And it is a hurricane on a particular track with a particular force that could submerge New Orleans. According to data supplied by Risk Management Solutions, a leading catastrophe modeling firm in Menlo Park, Calif., hurricanes of Category 4 or stronger make landfall within 100 miles of New Orleans about once every 35 years. ...

2002 New Orleans THE TIMES-PICAYUNE 5 part SPECIAL REPORT see:

Science Daily: "Many residents won't evacuate New Orleans"
NEW ORLEANS, July 22 2002 (UPI): …A major hurricane, with 130 mph winds and an 18-foot-high storm surge, would not scare 60 percent of southeast Louisiana residents, a survey found…That would be a dangerous decision, said Jesse St. Amant, emergency preparedness director for Plaquemines Parish, because Louisiana's sinking coastline and levees no longer protect residents from a Category 3 storm...In 2002, an American Red Cross estimate found 25,000 to 100,000 people would be killed if a major hurricane hit the New Orleans area…If people don't evacuate when directed by officials the number of casualties would be "beyond comprehension", according to St. Amant...

David Bennett <><