September 19, 2006
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero
Left Behind be sure and turn you sound up the guy has an Aussie accent
Russian fighter jet and top gun type pilot. (Two videos)
Slacktivism: Forwarding petitions
E-mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other municipality. To be acceptable petitions must have a signed signature and full address. Individual e-mails to your Congressman will be accepted but remember even it will get ignored/trashed if you don’t include your name and address because they are only interested in hearing from their constituents.
Adding your name to a list then forwarding it on does absolutely nothing, they don't even reach their target I guess.
If it was really important would you leave it in the hands of someone else to forward it to it's ultimate destination? What if you or a friend forward the petition to someone who diesn't agree with it? Then yours and the other gazillion names are lost! Oh, my!!
Also see
According to ." the average e-petition isn't ultimately worth the pixels it took to create it — why are they so popular?
In a world beset by complex problems...such simplification as the e-petition provides a welcome relief. Imagine having the power to solve those problems! Moreover, imagine having it merely at the click of a mouse!
...A sense of powerlessness and lack of control over events played out on the grand scale becomes replaced by the certainty that real change can be brought about at the cost of no more effort than it takes to type a few characters on a keyboard, just enough to display one's name on a growing list of equally committed cyber activists. Through the magic of the e-petition, those left feeling like bystanders to important events are transformed into powerful agents for social change...
...E-petitions are the latest manifestation of slacktivism, the search for the ultimate feel-good that derives from having come to society's rescue without having had to actually gets one's hands dirty or open one's wallet…"
Brother & Sister reunited 65 years after Holocaust
Sep 18, 2006 JERUSALEM - Hilda Shlick thought she lost nearly all her family in the Holocaust — until her Internet-savvy grandsons located her 81-year-old brother in Canada.
"After 65 years, I have found the sister who I love," Simon Glasberg said Monday in heavily accented English, his eyes filling with tears. "I can't stop kissing her."
Using the database of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, two of Shlick's grandchildren, Benny and David, began unearthing a mystery spanning six decades and three continents…
...Shlick, 75, said she too was overwhelmed by the discovery. "For 65 years, I lived thinking I had no family besides one sister," she said…
…The last time the two saw each other was in 1941, when the Glasberg family of Chernowitz, Romania, was separated after the Nazis invaded.
Hilda, then 10, escaped to Uzbekistan with her older sister Bertha. The rest of the family — parents Henia and Benzion, and brothers Simon, Mark, Karol and Eddie — stayed in Romania, finding refuge in a basement. The fate of one sister, Pepi, remains unknown. She disappeared and is presumed to have been killed by the Nazis....
Warsaw to get statue of ex-president Reagan
Sep 18, 2006 WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish admirers of Ronald Reagan plan to raise a statue of the former U.S president in Warsaw, where he is revered for his role in the downfall of communism in Europe...
..."Reagan was the person who defeated the communists and opened the way for freedom in Poland," Janusz Dorosiewicz said. "The statue is a way for his legacy to live on."
Many Poles credit staunch anti-communist Reagan with helping the anti-communist movement in eastern Europe. In 1989, Poland became the first country in the region to shake off communism.
The group plans to unveil the Reagan statue on in 2007 on July 4 -- the U.S. Independence Day.
U2’s Bono has just taught the world a great lesson in economics.
Sept. 18, 2006 With all the press attention given to the U2 lead singer's humanitarian lobbying efforts to fight poverty and disease in the Third World, you might think his global instruction was about altruism.
Not this time. Instead, by his actions Bono has revealed what he really feels about taxes. He has also demonstrated how dramatically one's behavior can be affected when the issue becomes personal.
The rocker and his U2 band have moved their business empire from Ireland to Holland to avoid paying the new high tax rates that have been imposed by the Irish government on music royalties (until this year artists and musicians paid no taxes in Ireland).
If Bono, whose estimated worth is said to be in excess of $700 million, wants to save on his tax bill, that's understandable. The problem is that this is the same guy who has consistently urged the U.S. government to use its own citizens' tax dollars to finance other nations' social programs and forgive Third World countries' debts...
… Labour Party finance spokeswoman Joan Burton…told the Guardian, "Having listened to Bono on the necessity for the Irish government to give more money to Ireland Aid ... I am surprised that U2 are not prepared to contribute to the exchequer on a fair basis along with the bulk of Irish taxpayers."
What Bono and U2 have done is what businesses always do when faced with excessive taxes — seek jurisdictions with low or, better yet, no taxes.
Governments always need more money, and the easy answer for generating revenue is to hike tax rates. But as sure as water flows downhill, individuals, and the businesses they own, will leave the tax-hiking jurisdiction for more friendly terrain, taking their revenue right along with them.
Another Bono lesson for Ireland and other nation-states: If the Emerald Isle hadn't tinkered with its tax law, Bono, U2 and other businesses like them would still be providing jobs, opportunity and, yes, revenue.
U2's Bono avoids taxes, Joins with Forbes
8/8/06 U2 and its lead singer Bono have been pushing the U.S. and EU countries to fork over more money for Third World nations to relieve debt and fight AIDS…
…The Irish Examiner reports that U2 and Bono are furious that Ireland is doing away with its law exempting artists and authors from taxation.
Under the Irish government's last budget (the new budget), artists and authors can get up to 250,000 euros ($325,000) in income tax free, but after that they pay like everyone else.
Most taxpayers would be joyous they could get the exemption Ireland provides.
But U2 rakes in tens of millions globally, and the new schedule doesn't sit well with the millionaire singer and his band members.
The Examiner reports that beginning in June of this year the group began moving parts of their business to Netherlands. The paper said now U2 pays "virtually no tax on royalties" in Holland.…The paper said the singer was unavailable for comment.
Bono and U2 have also bought a sizable interest in Forbes...
One has to wonder how this could happen even accidentally...X-Rated Font Used on Third-Grade HandoutSep 18 -School officials apologized after an X-rated font was used on a third- grade spelling packet handed out to parents. The font showed male and female stick figures in provocative poses to form the letters of the alphabet.
Officials with the Monroe-Woodbury School District in Orange County apologized last week after parents at Pine Tree Elementary School were given the spelling packet at an open house.
Administrators said the teacher did not use the font intentionally.
Monroe is about 45 miles northwest of New York City.
Study Shows Abstinence Education Reduces Teenage Sexual Behavior
...America has never faced an enemy who has so ruthlessly broken all of the rules of war - yet never has an enemy been treated so well....
David Bennett <><
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