IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30, 2006

I think he lost those rights when he was convicted of molesting children...

Fury as padeophile escapes school gym ban as it would breach his human rights

This is London 10/20/06

A convicted paedophile is being allowed to use a gym at a school because the authorities are worried that banning him would infringe his human rights.

Andrew Baldwin, 43, was convicted in 1999 of molesting three girls aged 12 and 13.

Yet he is a frequent visitor to a public gym on the site of Whitecross School, a comprehensive for 11-16 year olds in Lydney in the Forest of Dean.

Outraged parents, who raised the alarm four weeks ago, claim they were told the school was afraid to ban Baldwin in case it was accused of breaching his human rights.

This is despite the fact that the gym is next door to children's changing rooms.

The dangers of combining political correctness with partaking from the public trough...

College removes cross from chapel

October 27, 2006

The cross from the altar area of the chapel at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va., has been removed to ensure the space is seen as a nondenominational area, explains Melissa Engimann, assistant director for Historic Campus.

(Not “nondenominational” you ninnies! You mean you’re making it “Inter-Faith” [dare I say one-world-religion]as in equal billing for Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Pagans, Satanists, and animists. “Nondenominational” would be Baptists, Lutheran, Methodists and Catholics. It is ludicrous to say Methodists and Satanists are just two different denominations…)

"In order to make the Wren Chapel less of a faith-specific space, and to make it more welcoming to students, faculty, staff and visitors of all faiths, the cross has been removed from the altar area," Engimann announced in an e-mail to staff.

The cross will be returned to the altar for those who wish to use it for events, services or private prayer.

The cross was in place because of the college's former association with the Anglican Church. Though the college is now nondenominational and became publicly supported in 1906, the room will still be considered a chapel, college officials said.

This can't be! The Germans are not in Iraq so aren’t they suppose to be left alone by the freedom loving I-slammers who are merely fighting for their own turf!

Germans feel the clutch of terrorist threat

Thursday, October 26, 2006

...many Germans no longer see the war on terror as a British-American problem over Iraq...

"The case of that Iraqi suspect just proves we are not living in a safe island anymore," said Heinz Bruckmoser, a retired mechanical engineer from Duesseldorf. "It ties in with that failed train attack."

...In July, Islamic extremists tried but failed to blow up two trains in northern Germany. If successful, they could have killed hundreds of people. The plot not only triggered a heated debate on national security but also sparked an upsurge of fear in a nation with some 3.5 million Muslims residents.

"We are threatened by terrorism, and that threat has never been so close," Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said after the attempted train attacks. "This time we were lucky."

According to a survey this month by the Demoskopie Institute, the nation's leading pollster, 61 percent now believe Germany is a target for Islamic militants...

more at

Benefits of Stem Cells to Human Patients: Adult Stem Cells v. Embryonic Stem Cells

Stem Cell Treatment Score Card: Adult Stem Cells=72 Embryonic=0

see the list at &

Manufactured Global Warming Continues to Unravel

Click on link to read:


There is a lot of screeching in the news about Exxon's "huge" profits. Just remember Exxon and the other oil companies make 7 to 10 cents on a gallon of gas. The government (local/state/Federal) takes 40 cents per gallon. The "profits" also do not factor in the fact that they put nearly half of that back in looking for new petroleum and drilling...

The price of oil or gasoline is not set by Exxon Mobil but by the market. But that's not what the media will tell you.


Ethanol Could Corrode Pumps, Testers Say

NY Times October 27, 2006

CHICAGO, Oct. 26 — The farm-produced fuel that is supposed to help wean America from its oil addiction is under scrutiny for its potentially corrosive qualities.

E85, a blend of 85 percent corn-based ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, could be eating away at metal and plastic parts in pumps being used to dispense the fuel at gasoline stations, Underwriters Laboratories, the private product-safety testing group, said this month.

BP, the British oil company, said on Thursday that it would delay the expansion of E85 at its American gasoline outlets until the laboratories certified an E85 dispensing system. “BP is tracking this issue very closely,” Valerie Corr, a company spokeswoman, said.

Underwriters Laboratories and the Department of Energy are holding two days of hearings next week at the testing group’s headquarters outside Chicago, inviting oil companies, automakers and researchers to help develop standards for E85 equipment.

Underwriters Laboratories, which certifies the safety of everything from toasters to televisions, has temporarily withdrawn authorization for the U.L.-approved label on parts used in E85 dispensers. Those dispensers, it turns out, were modified from regular gasoline dispensers and were certified only for a maximum of 15 percent ethanol concentration; U.L. said it had never certified any E85-specific pumps.

The reversal has heightened concerns among some oil companies about the safety of E85 pumps on the market and threatens to slow the proliferation of the fuel, which automakers, President Bush and Midwest lawmakers are pushing as a homegrown alternative to gasoline.

Ethanol is primarily used as a 10 percent additive in gasoline, but in higher concentrations like E85 it can corrode some types of metal and even make some plastics brittle over time.

The testing group’s decision comes after about a decade of E85 sales without any known safety problems. It means that the pumps currently...

Ohio voter ID law suspended

Oct. 27, 2006

A federal judge on Thursday suspended Ohio's new voter identification law for early voting already under way, saying the state's 88 counties are inconsistently applying the rule for people filling out absentee ballots.

[Clinton appointee] U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley granted the temporary restraining order on behalf of labor and poverty groups who filed a lawsuit earlier in the week...

...Lawyers who filed the lawsuit Tuesday said the new law requiring voters to produce identification when they cast ballots is causing widespread confusion across the state. (why suspend it? If you can suspend it you can clarify it instead)

County boards of elections are using different requirements for acceptable identification, such as military identification, driver's licenses and Social Security cards, said Subodh Chandra, a Cleveland lawyer representing Service Employees International Union Local 1199 and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless.

Other forms of valid IDs can include current utility bills, bank statements and government checks, but the law doesn't define what ``current'' is, Chandra said.... (Frankly I don't think without a legal photo ID that social security card, utility bills, bank statements and government checks are any kind of ID)

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

Read at

David Bennett <><