IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Michael Richards, AKA Kramer Dounble Standard

It's been interesting following the saga of Michael Richards, AKA Kramer of Seinfeld fame (and little else). As most know Richards got into trouble a week or so back while performing at a comedy club in California. During his routine he was heckled by a couple of black fellows who interrupted his show and called him among other things a no talent has been and a cracker. Richards went berserk and among other things called them a word that rhymes with cracker but starts with an N.

First these hecklers said they demanded an apology, so Richards has been running around apologizing to anyone who will listen,. He was even on Jesse Jackson's radio show. That is the Jesse Jackson that called NYC Hymie Town because he hates Jews. Jesse by the way says a way to get even is to boycott the new Seinfeld DVD being released, even though Jerry Seinfeld had noting to do with the incident except a decade and a half ago give Richards the only decent job he ever had.

Not surprisingly the hecklers have now decided that an apology may not be enough to teach Richards a lesson and that (surprise, surprise) a certain amount of money might be required to provide proper justice...

I had to laugh when I heard one of the hecklers and his lawyer on Sean Hannity's radio show today. I think Hannity rightly pointed out, what did they expect to get when they heckled Richards? When Hannity pointed out the hypocrisy of them complaining about Richards using the "N" word after they called him a cracker both the heckler and his lawyer said there was nooooooooooooo way you could compare the "N" word to cracker. The "N" is a racial slur they said and cracker wasn't.

Excuse me, but are they not both racial pejoratives? They are both derogatory word to refer to a certain race.

Any way when Hannity asked how much money it would take to satisfy them for being verbally attacked they refused to say how much, only stating it wasn't about the money but about justice. Pssst... when ever someone says it's not about the money, it's about the money.

Granted Richards probably is a no talent cracker and should have been better prepared to deal with hecklers. That being said the hecklers should have accepted the fact that once you initiate the heckling all's fair in love and war and to take their lumps. After all they started it. They could have walked out on the act, but noooooo... they had to get the "C" word in. They probably thought it was funny, after all Richard Pryor and Chris Rock use it (and the "N" word).

David & Karen Bennett <><