IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Saturday, February 17, 2007

IMHO Feb 10 Global warming and other stuff

America Supports You: Military Channel’s ‘Operation V-Day’ Nears
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2007 – Friends and family back home will have a chance to see their service members in action and hear their personal messages via video thanks to the efforts of a cable network dedicated to the military.

Beginning at 6 a.m. on Feb. 14, Discovery Communications’ Military Channel plans to launch “Operation V-Day,” a 24-hour commercial-free airing of messages from troops around the world to their loved ones in the states.

The channel also plans to begin airing troop-recorded videos for a new feature showing the personal stories of the men and women stationed overseas.

“The Military Channel is dedicated to all military subjects – and most certainly that means men and women in uniform themselves,” said Jill Bondurant, organization publicist.

More info at


The space program may be troubled now, but it did produce some cutting-edge breakthroughs in astronaut comfort:


Men jailed for being on public sidewalk
February 8, 2007

Two men who are members of Gideons International, the Christian organization that is famous for, among other ministries, placing Bibles in motels and giving them to children, have been arrested after trying to hand out Bibles on a public sidewalk in Florida, according to a law firm....

...Jeremy Tedesco, one of the ADF's lawyers on the case, confirmed to WND that the organization's clients were on a public sidewalk when they were handing out Bibles and school officials summoned police...

..."Neither man entered school grounds," the law firm said. "After the school's principal called police, a Monroe County sheriff's officer asked the men to leave immediately or face trespassing charges. As the men prepared to leave, the officer decided to arrest both individuals."

JOHN EDWARDS HIRES TWO ANTI-CATHOLICS (amazingly foul-mouthed witches)

Catholic League ^ | 2/6/2007 | Bill Donohue

Catholic League president Bill Donohue is demanding that presidential hopeful John Edwards fire two recently hired anti-Catholics who have joined his team: Amanda Marcotte as Blogmaster and Melissa McEwan as the Netroots Coordinator. Here’s why: “Writing on the Pandagon blogsite, December 26, 2006, Amanda Marcotte wrote that ‘the Catholic church is not about to let something like compassion for girls get in the way of using the state as an instrument to force women to bear more tithing Catholics.’ ...on June 14, 2006, she offered the following Q&A: ‘What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit,’ to which she replied, ‘You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.’

Edwards to keep bloggers who regret anti-Catholic postings

WASHINGTON | Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Thursday he was personally offended by the provocative messages two of his campaign bloggers wrote criticizing the Catholic church, but he's not going to fire them.

Edwards issued a statement and answered questions about the fate of Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwen, two days after the head of the conservative Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights demanded they be fired for messages they wrote before working on the campaign...

...An angry Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League that counts 350,000 members, criticized Edwards for not firing the two bloggers…

"When Mel Gibson got drunk and made anti-Semitic remarks, he paid a price for doing so. When Michael Richards got angry and made racist remarks, he paid a price for doing so. ... But John Edwards thinks the same rules don't apply to him, which is why he has chosen to embrace foul-mouthed, anti-Catholic bigots on his payroll," Donohue said....

New Genetic Study: Boys and Girls are Basically Different

February 8, 2007 Swedish News (short translated article)

The same gene that in certain circumstances increases the risk of alcoholism and anti-social behavior in boys protects girls from the same dangers and vice versa. This surprising discovery has been reported by a group of Swedish researchers.

Their study of a population of 16-19 year olds, gives new hope for treatment of depression and alcoholism. Lars Oreland, a member of the discovery team told a Swedish newspaper; “I dare say that we are on the verge of a revolution.”

So, it took a study to determine that boys and girls are basically different… I’m in the wrong business.

Cold discomfort: Globe not warming
By Michael Graham
Thursday, February 8, 2007

...take this quick true-or-false quiz:

1) Global temps are rising.

2) Oceans are warming.

3) The Arctic is warmer today than it’s been in at least a century.

You guessed it: They’re all false. False “facts” that the average American assumes are true.

My source for refuting these assumptions is...the United Nations... The U.N.’s new climate change study refutes the climate models used for its 2001 effort, which said we would see a measurable rise in Earth temperatures by now.

Instead, according to the U.S. National Climate Data Center, there has been no measurable warming in the past five years.

One reason might be the cooling of the oceans that began in 2003 (despite contrary predictions from the U.N. weather models). And this may contribute to the fact that no matter what Al Gore tells you, the Arctic was warmer in 1940 than it is today....

...By the way, George Will points out that, regardless of how many American jobs we destroy to do the “right” thing, China is scheduled to open a new coal-burning power plant every 10 days...

February 8, 2007
...the new speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, is demanding her own personal Pentagon-provided jet.

...The speaker has decided that she needs a personal shuttle between Washington, D.C., and her home out on the Left Coast.

Historically, House speakers flew commercial. Then, after 9/11, Speaker Dennis Hastert cited security reasons in switching to a military-provided plane.

But that was a small jet: It sat 12 passengers, with a crew of five.

In contrast, Pelosi is said to want a top-of-the-line, Air Force passenger jet - the military version of the Boeing 757 - which features 42 business-class seats and a 16-member crew, plus a fully enclosed stateroom, entertainment center, private bed and state-of-the-art communications center...

...As for the taxpayers, they stand to get clipped for $300,000 per trip...

...This is the same woman who declared last month: "I promise to do everything in my power to achieve energy independence . . . and to stop global warming."

Just two weeks ago, she added, "The science of global warming and its impact is overwhelming and unequivocal." Then she dedicated a select House committee actually to do something about global warming.

Which, if one accepts the current "science of global warming," she certainly is.

She's making it worse...

...The conventional view is that emissions of carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas - are a major factor in warming. And the jet Pelosi is demanding produces more than 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour - far more than the commuter plane Hastert used.

Gingrich has a point when he says, "It is useful for members, including the speaker, to go through airport security, just like everybody else." \
Hot House Science

February 6, 2007

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released last week... ...Readers should be aware that the IPCC Summary for Policymakers was not exactly the work of disinterested scientists completely divorced from politics. Manning explained that the final draft was based on peer-reviewed research, then reviewed "line by line by government delegates."

...The IPCC summary issued a prediction for how much sea level would rise -- by 7 to 23 inches by 2100 -- a big drop from the 20 feet that former Vice President Al Gore warned about in "An Inconvenient Truth." Where's the scorn?

And it's not as if scientists are infallible. In 2004, scientist Hwang Woo Suk published a paper in the journal Science in which he claimed that he had cloned a human embryo and extracted stem cells from it. Hwang was a fraud, but big biotech and top scientists believed him -- because they wanted to believe him...

Note that the IPCC report ...puts off setting goals for emissions reductions until later this year.

Of late, green pols such as Gore and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger have claimed that fighting global warming will be good for the economy. Magazine articles tell Americans about the little things they can do to fight climate change -- buy eco-friendly light bulbs and only pack paperbacks on the plane.

The public is in for a shock. What would a good target be? I asked Manning. His answer: "If one wants to really stabilize, then we actually have to decrease in the end the carbon-dioxide emissions in the atmosphere by more than 50 percent, maybe to 10 percent" although "that doesn't have to happen overnight."

It's one thing to argue that, if there is even a chance global warming is manmade, Americans should cut back when you think you will have to make minor lifestyle changes. It's another thing to make that argument when your job, your industry, your car, your home -- electricity itself -- may be at stake. Then you want a more honest debate.

David & Karen Bennett <><>