IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Monday, November 07, 2005

November 7, 2005

Pharmacist Shortage Worsens Nationwide
Nov 7, KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Unlike most college students nearing graduation, Clarissa Hall isn't worried about finding a job — she's already considering several offers, including some with possible starting salaries of at least $80,000. Hall is benefiting from a nationwide shortage of pharmacists, which has prompted fierce competition between employers for new pharmacy graduates.

...The shortage of pharmacists, though, is not good for others in the medical field, or their patients, say those who have been watching the shortage worsen over the last decade...It was fueled by several factors, especially changes in insurance policies and federal regulations of pharmaceuticals, which made drugs available to more people...Add to that an aging population and more drugs being manufactured and advertised to the public, and the number of prescriptions has increased from 2 billion to 3.2 billion in the last decade. That problem is expected to worsen after the new Medicare prescription drug program begins Jan. 1, pharmacy officials said...

...The National Association of Chain Drug Stores reported about 5,950 full- and part-time openings in July in its 37,000 member stores. The American Hospital Association reported a 7.4 percent vacancy rate for pharmacists as of December, 2004, with 38 percent of its members saying it was harder to recruit pharmacists last year than in 2003...A consortium of pharmacy groups called the Pharmacy Manpower Project issued a report in 2002 predicting 157,000 unfilled pharmacy openings by 2020...;_ylt=AihacDlsheDIStBGXrXQ0BCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3czJjNGZoBHNlYwM3NTE
A man goes into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he can give him something for the hiccups. The pharmacist promptly reaches out and slaps the man's face.

"What did you do that for?" the man asks.

"Well, you don't have the hiccups anymore, do you?"

The man says, "No, but my wife out in the car still does!"
A man comes into a doctor's office and the doctor says "Wow, you look terrible! What's wrong?"

The man answers, "I don't know, I just don't feel well today. I woke up today feeling bad. Oh, I did go to the drugstore and talked to the pharmacist."

The doctor sneers and "humphhs", obviously in contempt of a mere pharmacist compared to HIS extensive REAL MEDICAL doctor training. "And what foolish advice did that idiot give you?", the doctor demands.

The man looks at the doctor. "Actually, he told me I should see you!"------------A funeral procession is going up a steep hill on main street when the door of the hearse flies open and the coffin on a gurney falls out then speeds down main street into a pharmacy and crashes into the counter.

The lid pops open and the deceased says to the astonished pharmacist, "You got anything to stop this coffin?"

Judge Aims to Prevent Dead Voters in N.J.
Nov 05 TRENTON, N.J.- A judge concerned about the potential for voter fraud in Tuesday's election has ordered the state to compile the names of all adult New Jersey residents who have died since 1985.

State Superior Court Judge Linda R. Feinberg made the ruling Friday after learning that the official responsible for tracking deaths had failed to do so because he "didn't know" it was his responsibility.

The case stemmed from Republican complaints that an estimated 13,000 people who apparently have died remain on voter registration lists, including 4,755 people who reportedly voted in last November's election.

...She said the lists must be distributed by Monday to all of the state's 21 counties and both major political parties. She also ordered election workers to check the names of those who cast absentee and provisional ballots against the names of deceased residents...

It was the 11th night of rioting and attacks in and around Paris last night…Thousands of busses and cars have been burned. Police are being shot at. Paramedics are being attacked. By who? By "youths." That's pretty much it. All of this trouble is being caused by "youths." Now that we've reached the 11th night of this violence, you will hear the occasional newscaster actually say the "M" word. Every once in a while ... but very sparingly ... someone will breach the walls of political correctness and actually let you know that these "youths" are Muslims. French police have discovered a bomb-making factory in Paris. These rioters are chanting "It's Baghdad here." …Paris, home to those who condemned America for removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, is under siege -- by Muslim jihadists -- by the very people France tried so hard to protect and appease...
~Neal Boortz

Wake up, Europe, you've a war on your hands
November 6, 2005 BY MARK STEYN

Big Lie About The War In Iraq

Jack Kelly: About that Iraq 'deception'