IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 1, 2006

A Virtual Historic Tour of the City of David

Purple Heart for a 'Broken Toenail?'

A congressional candidate from Pennsylvania, allied with anti-war critic U.S. Rep. John Murtha, insists that in terms of the qualifications for receiving a Purple Heart in the military, "it matters not whether it's a broken toenail or a slug to the brain."
Reminds me of the M*A*S*H* episode where Frank Burns gets a Purple Heart because he got a shell fragment in his eye while the unit was under attack. What happened is he was peeling a hard-boiled egg and got an egg shell fragment in his eye.

Shofar, so good: Blower to return to Temple Mount

Man sounding Jewish instrument during Jewish holy day silenced for fear of offending Muslims
September 30, 2006
JERUSALEM -- A Jewish man was barred from the Western Wall after blowing the shofar, or ceremonial ram's horn, during prayer services for last weekend's Rosh Hashana high holiday.

Shmulik Ben Ruby, a spokesman for the Jerusalem Police Authority, told WND earlier the Jewish man, 19-year-old Jerusalem resident Eliyahi Kleiman, was taken forcibly from the Western Wall last weekend for fear the sound of the shofar he was blowing would offend nearby Muslims congregating on the Temple Mount, which is opposite the wall…
...The "Small Wall" is located within a mixed Jewish and Arab section of Jerusalem and is supposed to be accessible to Jews at all times…

…Police spokesman Ben Ruby says Kleiman was originally arrested because a group of "hundreds" of Muslims had ascended the Temple Mount on the opposite side of the "Small Wall" and may have been offended by the sounding of the shofar…

…Miriam Janoff, a Jew who lives near the "Small Wall," called Ben Ruby's contentions "ridiculous."

"Several times per day the Muslims broadcast prayer services on loudspeakers that can be heard for miles, including every morning at 4 a.m. It is extremely disturbing when you are trying to sleep, but you don't hear the Jews complain about it," Janoff said.

"It is the height of absurdity a Jew cannot blow the shofar near our holiest site on one of our holiest holidays because a Muslim is nearby."

…Jews regularly are banned from the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism…

…During "open" days, Jews and Christian are allowed to ascend the Mount, usually through organized tours and only if they conform first to a strict set of guidelines, which includes demands that they not pray or bring any "holy objects" to the site.

Court-martialed chaplain declares victoryCongressional panel directs Navy to rescind policy barring 'sectarian' prayers
September 30, 2006A Navy chaplain court-martialed for wearing his uniform during a public event in which he prayed in Jesus' name is declaring victory after a congressional conference committee agreed on a compromise rescinding a Navy policy that barred "sectarian" prayers.

As WND reported, a jury of U.S. Naval officers Sept. 14 recommended a reprimand and a $250 fine per month for a year for Klingenschmitt, who insisted an appearance in front of the White House in which he prayed "in Jesus' name" was a bona fide religious event and he had written permission from his commander to wear his uniform at such events.

But the military judge ruled wearing his uniform during "public worship" is allowed only inside a chapel on Sunday, basing his decision on the policy addressed by Congress.

Klingenschmitt said he hopes Rear Adm. F.R. Ruehe, commander of the Navy's Mid-Atlantic region, who convened his court martial, will "respect Congress enough to never sign my letter of reprimand."

Queen sanctions first ever Muslim prayer room

29th September 2006 The Muslim month of Ramadan is being celebrated in Windsor Castle with the blessing of the Queen, it was revealed.

A special prayer room has been set aside in Her Majesty's favourite residence for the Islamic month of fasting.

The room is being used by just one person who works in the gift shops at the castle.

Every workday at 1.30pm visitor services assistant Nagina Chaudhry locks herself in the room to roll out her prayer mat and point it towards Mecca.

She then dons her hijab - headscarf - and begins the half-hour lunchtime prayer required of all Muslims during Ramadan.

Miss Chaudhry said "The Queen is the head of the Church of England so it's great to know she respects other people's faith…
(That’s great. Too bad Muslim don’t reciprocate…)

IRS Attacks Sermon Content

Sept. 28, 2006 The Internal Revenue Service has notified pastors all over America that the IRS will be monitoring the content of sermons.If there were anything political IRS would initiate action to withdraw any applicable tax-exemption. The IRS stated it will not wait for the ACLU or People United For Separation of Church and State to file a complaint.…What does IRS consider political? That is not clear, but it appears to be subjective agent by agent…

...Had the churches not been involved, the American Revolution would not have succeeded...The leaders of the Civil Rights movement were almost all ordained ministers. That is as it should have been. A whole segment of God's people was made to be second-class citizens. Many were killed or hosed down like animals. Churches stood with the downtrodden, as it should be......IRS was nowhere during the campaign of Gov. Michael Dukakis, who used Greek Orthodox churches as a foundation partially to fund, as well as from which to obtain volunteers. Same for Rev. Jesse L. Jackson. Black churches were the backbone of the Jackson campaign. Churches often took up a second collection to benefit the Jackson effort.The IRS has been silent as some liberal churches in this country became the instrument of the Green movement. Earth Day and religion were supposed to be a natural marriage. One can argue that proposition all day long. The point is that pastors were political. Not a word from the IRS.Only now that more conservative churches have been finding their way in the political process have we heard from IRS to send agents fanning out across America to demand to see the content of sermons. In a San Francisco church, IRS agents demanded to see copies of sermons from the past six months. The Episcopal Church is resisting......My church does not permit girls at the altar, does not allow women as deacons has only male priests. Will the IRS contend that in disallowing women to participate in liturgical functions we are violating public policy?What would happen if a church were to refuse to give Communion to openly practicing homosexuals or to those who advocate abortion? Guilty of discrimination?What the IRS appears to be doing this autumn is THE most dangerous threat to the continuation of the republic. There is so little left of our Constitution that some justices and others scarcely recognize it.Unless it is solely political (i.e., the pastor says "Now I want you good people to get out the vote for Gov. Mike Huckabee; he has promised to see to it that we are adequately protected"), the IRS should butt out. But if the pastor says, "Abortion is the moral evil of our age. There are measures before the Congress which would begin to restrict abortion. Call your congressman and tell him you support those bills," the pastor should have no fear of IRS intervention. (By the way, Huckabee is term-limited and thus will be stepping down after two terms as governor of Arkansas in January.)...

Al Gore tells the U.N. Smoking Causes Global Warming
Sept. 29, 2006 UNITED NATIONS -- Self-proclaimed "global warming warrior" Al Gore came to U.N. headquarters Thursday to lecture on the "perils" of climate change (for 3 hours).

Among Al Gore’s assertions: ‘Cigarette smoking is a "significant" contributor to global warming.’

After a Q&A with the audience Gore had his aides open a stack of cardboard boxes to begin selling his book, "An Inconvenient Truth." (Not like they couldn’t get it at any bookstore)

Some Inconvenient Truths....
Back in 1988 when Al Gore was running for President (and after his sister died of lung cancer) he bragged to a group of tobacco farmers: "Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've dug in it. I've sprayed it, I've chopped it, I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it."

In 2000 Gore had campaign workers hand out cigarettes to homeless voters...

The best way to stop Global Warming is to put a cork in Al Gore!

Climate hype outstrips climate facts
September 30, 2006
…Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., went to the Senate floor and delivered a scathing rebuttal, documenting not only the science that contradicts Hansen's study but also pointing to the cyclic nature of the media's reporting about global warming and global cooling over the years.

Inhofe provides direct quotes from major media that warned of an imminent "Ice Age," in the 1970s. These same media now are proclaiming the earth is hotter than it's been in 12,000 years, and that by 2050, it will be hotter than it has ever been – one degree hotter than it is today.

Only a few months ago, climate experts were predicting that this year would produce even worse, and more hurricanes than last year – because of global warming.

Obviously, they were wrong. These same climate experts are not embarrassed, they just offer forecasts that cannot be proven wrong for 50 years – as their 1970s forecasts about global cooling have proven wrong.

The climate debate is job security for bureaucrats and compliant scientists, a fund-raising source for environmental organizations and very expensive entertainment for the observers. The reality of here and now requires policies that affect the here and now – not the pipe dreams of people who can't know what the future may hold…

David Bennett <><