IMHO=In My Humble Opinion VBG=Very Big Grin

This blog is devoted to topics that interest me and perhaps I'll post information that "the mainstream media" chooses to ignore or deemphasize. The point here is not to debate what I post, just consider it another point of view if you disagree with it, you know, be "open minded" and "tolerant."

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Sunday, April 22, 2007

7 April 2007

Indian Math
There were three Indian squaws. One slept on a deer skin, one slept on an elk skin, and the third slept on a hippopotamus skin.

All three became pregnant, and the first two each had a baby boy.

The one who slept on the hippopotamus skin had twin boys.

This goes to prove that the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.

…it was NOT the senior citizens who…

Maps Galore
A trove of maps of Iraq in all types plus links to others from around the world.

Google Moon Map

Google Directions: Chicago to London
Note direction #20,-95.677068&sspn=42.581364,112.148438&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=3&ll=46.437857,-42.890625&spn=37.174963,112.148438&om=1

Economist: U.S. Not Facing Recession
April 5, 2007;
The U.S. economy, despite a painful housing slump, should not fall into recession this year, the International Monetary Fund's top economist said Thursday.
[Notice how they once again slip something negative in an otherwise positive article?]

"The message here is reassuring. We do not think the U.S. is heading toward recession," said Simon Johnson.

Another 'Adult' Stem Cell Success Reported Ahead of Senate Debate
April 04, 2007

A week before the U.S. Senate again grapples with the explosive issue of embryonic stem cell research, one of the most stunning reported advances in bio-technology in years comes from stem cells not harvested from human embryos but derived from a non-controversial source.

British researchers have for the first time grown part of a human heart, using "adult" stem cells derived from bone marrow, British media reported this week...

...Yacoub, professor of cardiac surgery at Imperial College, told The Guardian newspaper that a whole, functioning heart could be produced from stem cells within a decade, a goal he described as "ambitious ... but not impossible."

The researchers hope to grow a heart valve that will not be rejected by the patient's body - because the stem cells are the patient's own - and that will have a longer life than artificial (plastic or metal) valves currently being used in heart patients.

Using the tissue could ultimately preclude the need for a heart transplant, they said...

Easter Eggs Cost More because of Ethinol Demand
April 5 Ahead of Easter, high ethanol demand has spurred a growing need for corn and a consequent increase in egg prices.

USA Today reported Thursday that the average U.S. retail price for one dozen large eggs was $1.51 in the first quarter, an increase of 33 cents, or 28 percent, from the fourth quarter of last year and 43 cents higher than a year ago. The results were based on the 28-state survey by the American Farm Bureau Federation, the newspaper reported.

The price was the highest quarterly price of eggs in three years...

...Ever since the Bush administration said the United States was addicted to oil and made a push toward ethanol, the demand for corn has spiked, leading to record prices for the grain. Corn acreage has increased to keep pace with demand.

Much of the corn in the United States is used as feedstock, so there has been a commensurate increase in the price of beef, poultry and poultry products such as eggs...

Top Hurricane Forecaster Dr. Gray: Al Gorebal-warming Is Alarmist
April 6, 2007
A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gorebal-warming "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.

"He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans, where he delivered the closing speech...

...Gray, an emeritus professor at the atmospheric science department at Colorado State University, has long railed against the theory that heat-trapping gases generated by human activity are causing the world to warm.

Over the past 24 years, Gray, 77, has become known as America's most reliable hurricane forecaster...

...Rather than global warming, Gray believes a recent uptick in strong hurricanes is part of a multi-decade trend of alternating busy and slow periods related to ocean circulation patterns. Contrary to mainstream thinking, Gray believes ocean temperatures are going to drop in the next five to 10 years...

Dr. Gray: Warming Not Behind Hurricane Activity
April 7, 2007
NEW ORLEANS -- Natural changes in ocean currents are to blame for increased Atlantic hurricane activity in recent years, not man-made global warming as many scientists believe, hurricane forecaster William Gray said on Friday.

"I think the whole human-induced greenhouse gas thing is a red herring," Gray said in a speech at the National Hurricane Conference.

Gray, whose annual forecasts for the hurricane season are closely watched, said the Earth has warmed the past 30 years, but that it was due to flucuations in ocean currents. He predicted a cooling off period would begin in five to 10 years as the currents change again.

"I see climate change as due to the ocean circulation pattern. I see this as a major cause of climate change," Gray told the meteorologists and emergency management specialist who attend the annual conference...

...The combative professor dismissed the work of scientific colleagues who have linked global warming and increased hurricane activity, saying they were simply seeking grant money.

"You've heard a lot of foolishness over the last few years," said Gray.

Ban the Bulb?
April 03, 2007
In a few weeks the US Congress is likely to vote to phase out the standard incandescent lightbulb within a decade...

...We are told that as kilowatts could be reduced, we would need fewer nasty coal-fired power generating plants, while winning a major battle against global warming with little pain and even less effort. Everybody wins!

Well, not exactly. Once again, a nice-sounding theory overlooks significant details of the practical outcomes.

Energy conservation lobbyists conveniently overlook the obvious fact that household lightbulbs are primarily used at night-exactly opposite the time of day in which utilities experience peak load demands for daytime heating, air conditioning and commercial lighting. Peak load shedding is what is most necessary for taking coal fired power plants out of commission...

...Reducing nighttime lightbulb consumption of kwhs will do almost nothing to shave peak demand. Moreover, with non-peak kwhs reduced at night, utilities will now have fewer revenues on which to earn a return on their invested capital. Utilities must build up their physical plant to meet the peaks, and the capital to finance that equipment has to be paid for 24 hours a day. Thus, utilities will have to raise rates on the remainder of the kwhs we use for everything else, from washing machines to hair dryers to computers...

...And since the new CFLs produce inferior light compared to incandescents, we'll need more of them to read, shave, comb our hair and brush our teeth...

...are still at least 5 times more expensive than regular incandescents...This ban will be a tax on poor people and the silent majority-retirees on fixed incomes, single working parents, low wage earners working double shifts or two jobs along with the average Joes and Marys who live each week paycheck-to-paycheck...

...And guess where the extra purchase prices for these CFLs will wind up? In the pockets of Chinese manufacturers, because not a single CFL is produced in the US.

And it gets worse. As Chinese manufacturers add enough manufacturing capacity to produce ten times as many CFLs , they will need several new coal-fired power plants to run the new factories...

...CFLs contain mercury. You didn't know that? Just a drop you say? How about up to 5 milligrams per lightbulb. If all 4 billion incandescent sockets were filled with CFLs we'd have 20 billion milligrams of mercury spread around every single US household. By the way, 20 billion milligrams is nearly 50,000 pounds.

That 50,000 pounds of mercury amongst 300 million people, if indiscriminately thrown away, will eventually find its way to your favorite landfill and public drinking water supply. Knock over a table lamp and shatter a CFL in your house, and you have a toxic waste situation on your hands right in the living room, bedroom or dining room.

On the other hand, at least half of all mercury emissions from coal fired power plants currently is captured by scrubbers, and clean coal technologies promise to eliminate 2/3rds of what remains. Not so for CFLs-- which can't operate without mercury...

Ethanol boom could worsen world hunger
(Starve the poor and reduce gorebal warming)
The boom in ethanol fuels in the United States and elsewhere could have devastating effects on food prices and worsen world hunger, a new study argues.

The study by C. Ford Runge and Benjamin Senauer of the University of Minnesota said the rush into ethanol threatens to divert massive amounts of corn and other food crops into biofuels.

The researcher write in the May/June edition of Foreign Affairs that governments should stop incentives for ethanol until biofuels can be economically produced from sources other than corn and soybeans...

...If, all other things being equal, the prices of staple foods increased because of demand for biofuels, the number of food-insecure people in the world would rise by over 16 million for every percentage increase in the real prices of staple foods," they wrote.

"That means that 1.2 billion people could be chronically hungry by 2025 -- 600 million more than previously predicted."

They said the biofuel craze could push up corn prices 20 percent by 2010 and 41 percent by 2020. This could affect other crops such as rice or wheat, since farmers are converting their fields to corn or other plants more profitable because of their potential for ethanol...

..."The use of land to grow corn to feed the ethanol maw is reducing the acreage devoted to other crops. Food processors who use crops such as peas and sweet corn have been forced to pay higher prices to keep their supplies secure, costs that will eventually be passed on to consumers."
Perhaps that is part of the plan. According to Al Gorebal-Warming, man causes gorebal warming, reduce food supplies and starve/kill off man, reduce gorebal warming….

Voter at a Town Hall show to Edwards: It's All About Me
...Edwards in Durham, New Hampshire, at the University of New Hampshire. He held a town meeting...An audience member named Jenny Ballantine asked the following question:

I need to be able to look to my leader and see words of encouragement, words of hope. I need to be able to trust that person. I need to be able to know that I'm going to be grow in a world that's not going to be full of hate and prejudice and racism and to know that I matter, that I wasn't just dumped in this world for no particular reason whatsoever.

I'm busting my ass in school, I work 25 to 30 hours a week, and it's just me and my dog. So what can you do for the people that are in my situation, that are trying their damnedest in school, wanting to go to grad school, is going to be hit with the loans -- and, uh, I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. I don't know what I want to be when I'm an adult. But I'm 22 right now, so people are like, "Honey, you are an adult." You know what? It's about me. It's about me voting for you or supporting somebody who's going to be the next president. So it's all about me right now. Just give me something.
If she's looking for meaning to her life she doesn't need find a President to do something for her, she needs Jesus...

Rush Talks to Jenny Ballantine
When Rush heard Jenny he put out an APB to track her down to talk with her and was successful. It turns out part of the reason for Jenny’s pessimism is the result of multicultural theory classes she is taking in college.

Rush told Jenny “The reason I wanted to talk to you is because... You said in the previous answer about multiculturalism that you've heard enough about what "a screw-up nation" we've been, let's get legislation to fix it and so forth. The United States is not a screw-up nation. The United States is God's gift to the world. The United States is the greatest nation, the greatest civilization of free people ever to walk the planet. Now, of course we've had problems, but we are not inherently racist or bigoted or sexist or homophobic or any of that...There's a certain cadre, a certain group of people that want you distrusting your own country. They want you suspecting it. You have more opportunity as a human being here....Jenny, if you hang around and wait for a president or any politician to do anything for you, you're going to be waiting when they bury you. It's up to you.”
Read the entire interview at:

Bilingual Education Is Getting an F says one founder of the Movement
One of the fathers of bilingual education in the U.S. says the program is failing immigrant students – and actually preventing their integration into American society.

For millions of youngsters, bilingual education has been a bridge to nowhere, producing shockingly high dropout rates, social Balkanization, and shattered American dreams.

Frustrated parents and voters have begun to fight back against bilingual education approaches that put kids last.

When bilingual education became federal law in 1974, "We expected students to be in bilingual classes for only a year or so," former New York Congressman Herman Badillo, chief author of the 1974 legislation, tells NewsMax.

"But we put no limit in the bill. We never suspected that a bilingual lobby would emerge that would keep students in bilingual classes for two, four, six, or eight years!"

By teaching newcomers math, history, and other subjects in their native language, bilingual education was supposed to prevent students from falling behind in those subjects while they learned English...

..."Instead of helping students learn English, bilingual education became monolingual education in Spanish," Badillo says.

He also discovered that 30 New York City teachers were recruited in Spain to teach bilingual classes, but the city had to provide translators for them because these teachers spoke no English...

...A February 2007 study by the Pacific Research Institute found that in California – where more than a third of the population is Hispanic – 47 percent of students classified as English Language Learners (ELs) scored high enough on the California English Language Development Test to be reclassified as fluent in English. But most local school districts adopt additional standards to prevent such reclassification.

"More than half of 10th-grade EL students are kept in the EL category for 10 years or more," according to Lance T. Izumi and the co-authors of the PRI study.

The reason for this, wrote Izumi and his co-authors, is "that school districts simply want more money … [and] have a financial incentive for keeping students classified as EL because federal Title III funds are distributed on a per-EL basis, and the state Economic Impact Aid program ... is based in part on EL student counts."

Talk Show Lost Interest When Vet Wouldn't Complain
A syndicated television talk show was less than receptive to positive comments about the American government's response to veterans' needs, according to an Iraq war veteran who was a guest on the show.

According to Keli Frasier, an Army Reservist who served 11 months in Iraq, Montel Williams, host of "The Montel Williams Show," quickly moved to the next segment after she made positive comments about the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"This soldier isn't going to complain," she quoted Williams as saying to other talk show staffers during a commercial break.

Frasier also said the portion of the taped interview in which she praised Veterans Affairs was cut out when the show aired Tuesday.

"The show just definitely was not what I expected," Frasier said.

April 5, 2007 -- Democratic White House hopeful John Edwards' team has been collecting e-mail addresses from supporters who've sent his cancer-stricken wife, Elizabeth, notes - and using them for fund-raising requests, aides acknowledged yesterday.

The link on Edwards' campaign Web site invites people to "send a note to Elizabeth and John" and features a sad letter from the former senator penned just after the couple found out her breast cancer had spread and is now incurable...

... But people who've been sending such well wishes have been hit with e-mail solicitations from Team Edwards, asking for donations just as all candidates are looking to post big online fund-raising numbers.

In the letter, Edwards says the pair is staying optimistic and fighting hard for Elizabeth. Below the letter is a space for writing the couple a message - which can't be sent without all sections completed, including one asking for the sender's e-mail address.

That, in turn, is added to the campaign's online database for boosting Internet donations...

Al Gorebal-warming's Company Claims He's Not Profiting from 'Carbon Offsets'
Al Gorebal-warming is not profiting from his crusade against global warming, a spokesman for an investment firm co-founded by the former vice president said Tuesday.

Al Gorebal-warming Al Gorebal-warming 's London-based employee-owned company, Generation Investment Management (GIM), purchases -- but isn't a provider of -- carbon dioxide (CO2) "offsets," said spokesman Richard Campbell.

GIM is strictly an investment firm that considers how eco-friendly corporations are in assessing long-term sustainability, Campbell told Cybercast News Service by phone from London.
[Perhaps, but no matter how you slice it, it is still a Ponzi scheme at best and Al Gorebal-warming is still profiting by "playing on our fears!!!" to quote Al himself]

Al Gorebal Warming gets Honorary Degree from Concordia
4/3/07 MONTREAL (CUP) - Concordia president Claude Lajeunesse was booed as he took the stage to give Al Gorebal-warming an honorary doctorate from the university on March 22.
The brainchild of Concordia Student Union president Khaleed Juma, the doctorate was presented while the crowd, present to listen to speeches from Al Gorebal-warming and David Suzuki, filed out the exits after the question and answer period with Al Gorebal-warming was cancelled...

His presentation was halted at least twice as opponents to his agenda began to shout out.They called him a liar and a villain, and screamed, "What about your swimming pools?" in regards to recent allegations that the monthly electricity bill of Al Gorebal-warming's estate rivaled a year's bill for the average American home...
The funny thing about Al Gorebal-warming’s honorary degree is that he flunked out of both Law School and Divinity School back in his college days…

Zimbabwe pres. could lose Honorary UMass degree
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - Since 1885, the University of Massachusetts has awarded nearly 2,000 honorary degrees to world leaders, renowned scholars and writers. For the first time, it is considering taking one back — from Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe.

When Mugabe received an honorary doctorate of law from the UMass-Amherst campus in 1986, he was hailed as a humane revolutionary who ended an oppressive white rule to establish an independent Zimbabwe in 1979.

But in the two decades since, Mugabe has been condemned for attacks on dissidents and accused of running a corrupt government that has ruined the economy...

...Once lauded as a model for African democracy, Mugabe has tried to crush opposition to his power and has threatened to expel Western envoys for criticizing his government.

Zimbabwe has the world's highest inflation rate and suffers from shortages of food, hard currency, gasoline and essential imports. The country's Roman Catholic bishops said last month that health, education and other public services "have all but disintegrated."

"Mugabe has become a scourge of his people and a scourge of Africa," said Michael Thelwell, a professor in the UMass Afro-American studies department. "He has degenerated as a political leader and as a human being."...

Choir turns Samson into suicide bomber
Samson no longer is the biblical hero who disobeyed God, then repented before he died, according to a new version being presented by the Victoria Philharmonic Choir. He's a suicide bomber in Jerusalem.

Choir artistic director Simon Capet told CBC Radio that he wanted to "get people talking about music," when he edited George Frideric Handel's famous 1741 oratorio…

"Some say I'm brave, some say I'm anti-Israel or whatever, but that is OK," Capet told the CBC. "The point is to get discussion going." (Since when is that the point of classical music?)

"In a sense, he was the Middle East's first suicide terrorist in a region beset by war and strife for more than 3,000 years," the organization said.

John Edwards Feels Fox News Biased, CNN Not
April 6, 2007
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday pulled out of a second debate co-hosted by Fox News Channel, saying the cable network has a conservative slant.

The Edwards campaign said it will not attend the Sept. 23 debate hosted by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, but officials added that Edwards will participate in a different debate hosted by the institute and CNN.

'Gay'-rights bill lets court define church's 'purpose'
'Most sweeping and culturally devastating law in Oregon history, establishing pagan morality'
Posted: April 7, 2007

A plan being shoved down a fast track in the Oregon Legislature would give homosexuals a vast range of new state laws they could use to impose their moral perspective on Christians across the state, according to opponents who fear for their speech and religious expression rights.

Senate Bill 2, on its face, is written to enshrine in state law special protections for homosexuals by classifying them as a protected civil rights group. But hundreds of pastors – whose churches include tens of thousands of evangelical Christians – are horrified by what they see advancing virtually without opposition.

"Senate Bill 2, in the Oregon House of Representatives, if passed, will limit your free speech rights and rights of conscience; require public schools to teach that homosexual/lesbian/bisexual behavior is 'okay' and 'moral'; impact your rights as a business owner; and put judges in authority on certain church matters," according to David Crowe, of the Christian ministry called Restore America....

..."But there is verbiage in the bill and the verbiage has to do with the primary purpose of a church. They're seeking really to gain a foothold for homosexuals into the Christian church with the court's approval," he said...

Belgium local authorities deny barbequing tax reports
(But it was in the news, it must be true!)
Whether or not it was true this is in fact how ridiculous the gorebal warming efforts are and will be.

David Bennett <><